I have just come to my room to have a little chat with you. The sun is shining brightly and the air is warm and balmy, which tell me that Spring is here. Yet before this letter reaches you we may have a snow storm for April is such a fickle month full of smiles and tears.
How very much I would like to see your welcome As Written: welcom presence with us all to day. It would give us so much pleasure. there are so many unspoken thoughts that one cannot As Written: can not write which I feel that you understand It is now two weeks since we all returned HomeEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois, and merry and glad were the faces that met us on our arrival.
The weeks passed so very pleasantly and rapidly while at the College listening As Written: listenning to your words of truth and grand thoughts and many times I have thought of your labors of love and sincere yearnings for us all share the Infinite Stores of divine Intelligence; you are constantly leading your students and many weary One into the Divine realms As Written: realmes of life and thought. and the beautiful spring of light which has come to us all, will not be cast out. I feel that peace and strength will come in the midst of the turmoil with sufficient force so that no stumbling block can mar its progress.
Not a day passes but what we speak of you. and hope the days are not far distant when we shall meet again. Our hearts speak a welcome As Written: welcom to you, that words cannot I have a great favor to ask of you; Would you be willing to send me a picture of yourself if you have any to spare as I wish to have one painted from it for my Home, I should prize it very much, Mr Sherman is well and appreciate the great benefit derived through your teachings and is very anxious to have you come to Chicago this summer, let me assure you nothing would give us all greater pleasure or happiness. Hoping when the bright summer days visit us, you will be here in our midst I received a letter from Mrs Gowing of Lawrence MassachusettsAs Written:Mass 53 Jackson St saying she had not received the BooksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy Do you remember the last evening we all spent with you I gave you her address also paid for the BooksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, she has not received them is quite disappointedAs Written:disapointed. Mr Sherman and Son wish to be remember with the best of wishes also Miss Platt sends much love. and many kind remembrances.
I have written As Written: writen you in thought many times; my leisure hours have been so busy since I returned Home that I have had little time outside of my patients but had you only lived somewhere near, I should come to see you long ere this In memory bright casket I shall ever treasure your blessed teachings. they are the Home of the Soul and free us from the fetters of Earth, may I not hear from you soon and if not asking to much will you let me take your picture so I can have one printed from it
I must bid you good night. with much love, and the best of wishes