Accession: 321.44.026
Editorial Title: Bradford Sherman to Mary Baker Eddy, September 27, 1884
Author: Bradford Sherman 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: September 27, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Bradford Sherman on embossed lined paper from Chicago, Illinois.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I have for some time been thinking of taking instruction as a teacher in “Christian Science”, as you proposed in your favor of the 10th ultimoEditorial Note: This letter is not extant..

When will it be convenient for you to take the burden and responsibility? What are the terms and time required? If favorable I should like to begin very soon, say in two weeks from date.

We are getting along very well with our work, and are very busy, several good cures have been accomplished. Which leads me to think how grateful we all should be to you. If there is one thing more than another that disturbs my mind, it is the claims of the Spiritualist here. That they have known all about Christian Healing “ever so many years”. Mrs Cora Richmond stated recently in a lecture that Metaphysics was only Spiritualism under a new name, at the same time claiming to be under the control of the departed spirit of Daniel Pratt or some other “great American Traveler As Written: Traveller Editorial Note: Apparently Daniel Pratt referred to himself as “the Great American Traveler” and this is likely a reference to that.. Which claim shows clearly she does not understand the first principle of “Christian Science”. I will not indulge in any further gossip but subscribe myself

Yours Very Truly
B. Sherman


Mrs Sherman & Sister wish to be remembered with Love:

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I have for some time been thinking of taking instruction as a teacher in “Christian Science”, as you proposed in your favor of the 10th ultimoEditorial Note: This letter is not extant..

When will it be convenient for you to take the burden and responsibility? What are the terms and time required? If favorable I should like to begin very soon, say in two weeks from date.

We are getting along very well with our work, and are very busy, several good cures have been accomplished. Which leads me to think how grateful we all should be to you. If there is one thing more than another that disturbs my mind, it is the claims of the Spiritualist here. That they have known all about Christian Healing “ever so many years”. Mrs Cora Richmond stated recently in a lecture that Metaphysics was only Spiritualism under a new name, at the same time claiming to be under the control of the departed spirit of Daniel Pratt or some other “great American Traveller Corrected: Traveler Editorial Note: Apparently Daniel Pratt referred to himself as “the Great American Traveler” and this is likely a reference to that.. Which claim shows clearly she does not understand the first principle of “Christian Science”. I will not indulge in any further gossip but subscribe myself

Yours Very Truly
B. Sherman


Mrs Sherman & Sister wish to be remembered with Love:

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This letter is not extant. Apparently Daniel Pratt referred to himself as “the Great American Traveler” and this is likely a reference to that.