August 10th 1885
Having been a careful reader and student of "Science & Health,"Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy as well as of your other published works, and being in full sympathy with the principles there given, I desire to he further instructed upon these subjects and do hereby make application for a full Collegiate Course, at your Metaphysical College, BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts. Should prefer the September Class if there is room for one more.
I have read & studied with Doctor Roger Sherman C.S. but only consider that as a preparation for a full course under your direction.
I am convinced of the power and superiority of the principles of Christian ScienceAs Written:C.S as demonstrated by you, and only wish to become wholly imbued with the spirit of the same - that I may become one of the grand army of workers sent out by you to prepare the way for the spread of Truth.
I am also much interested in the "Church of Christ", and would like to know more of it.
I have for many years been a member of the Baptist Church - but seem to have grown away from it, as it fails to feed my soul & I have thought that perhaps I might find what I have so long desired - a place where "Truth & nothing but the Truth", is taught.
Please oblige by an early reply as I have many preparations to make eve I can leave home -
P.S. My husband is a physician - progressive - & is in full sympathy with me in this study -
Yours truly M. M. P
First one