Accession: 305.43.005
Editorial Title: John S. Norvell to Mary Baker Eddy, October 25, 1886
Author: John S. Norvell 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: October 25, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by John S. Norvell on lined paper from Carroll, Iowa.
Final Edits
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs Mary B. G. Eddy BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts
My Dear Teacher.

Your kind letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. receivedAs Written:recd in due time and its warm cheering words gladly recived let me assure you that they are very much appreciated. knowing as I do your manner of life. how day and night you are toiling on for our Blessed MasterEditorial Note: Jesus Christ, and I am glad you think myselfAs Written:my self highly favored to get a few lines from you. I thank you for the assurance As Written: assurence you give me of taking me through the course and will say to the best of my ability I shall stay with my Teacher and abide As Written: abid by her Teaching. I am now practicing some and am having some wonderful demonstrations and shall tell you somethingAs Written:some thing about them soon. My work closes here this week and then I shall give myselfAs Written:my self to Practice and study for a while, and perhaps may Preach occasionally at Council BluffsEditorial Note: Council Bluffs, Iowa.– Mrs Fenn of OmahaEditorial Note: Omaha, Nebraska and others of Council BluffsAs Written:C. Bfs. are very anxious for preaching I have not decided Just where I shall settle for my headquartersAs Written:head quarters after leaving Carroll but will keep you informed.

Your faithful Student in love and Truth.
J. S. Norvell
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs Mary B. G. Eddy BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts
My Dear Teacher.

Your kind letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. recdExpanded:received in due time and its warm cheering words gladly rec [?] Unclear or illegible ived let me assure you that they are very much appreciated. knowing as I do your manner of life. how day and night you are toiling on for our Blessed MasterEditorial Note: Jesus Christ, and I am glad you think my selfCorrected:myself highly favored to get a few lines from you. I thank you for the assurence Corrected: assurance you give me of taking me through the course and will say to the best of my a [?] Unclear or illegible bility I shall stay with my Teacher and abid Corrected: abide by her Teaching. I am now practicing some and am having some wonderful demonstrations and shall tell you some thingCorrected:something about them soon. My work closes here this week and then I shall give my selfCorrected:myself to Practice and study for a while, and perhaps may Preach occasionally at Council BluffsEditorial Note: Council Bluffs, Iowa.– Mrs Fenn of OmahaEditorial Note: Omaha, Nebraska and others of C. Bfs.Expanded:Council Bluffs are very anxious f [?] Unclear or illegible or preaching I have not decided Just where I shall settle for my head quartersCorrected:headquarters after leaving Carroll but will keep you informed.

Your faithful Student in love and Truth.
J. S. Norvell
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Boston, Massachusetts This letter is not extant. Jesus Christ Council Bluffs, Iowa Omaha, Nebraska