Having heard that you contemplated taking Mr Whitehead into your next Class I felt it incumbent upon me to write you a word of warning- from what I positively know the man must be a Mesmerist or crazy and I think he is both for if insane there is "method in it" He has made me considerable trouble with my Students- He will talk Mesmerism and Magnetism by the hour and He says He knows more about them than anyoneAs Written:any one in this Country as He took six degrees in Europe and that is all there is to learn and no one in this Country has gone beyond four degrees- and he tells what they are as well as I can remember in this way- first Mes– when He says He can make anyone believe anything he wants to As Written: too Clairvoyance- Fascination- Electricity- Animal Magnetism- and sixth and last the Death Sting- This is just what He told Mrs Bell and Mrs Coffee and others- two hours Mrs Bell was telling me things He had told Her of that character - I never heard such things and I think I have some reason to say that He is insane (in belief) They had been going to Him for a month before I knew it for treatment against just what He was constantly talking of and paying him when they could have come to me for nothing– He also advised them not to go to the C. S. A. and then said that He had made a contract with the Enemy not to join the C. S. A. until the first of July– How fortunate that he did not join it before we found him out– I can't As Written: cant begin to tell you all I have heard from different directions reliable People too–
I have had the hardest time for the last four weeks that I have had for a long time – I have just got through with a Class of four whether it was that or that Article in the JournalEditorial Note: See paragraph beginning “I take pleasure in reporting two cures, effected through Mrs. G. P. Noyes, C.S….” on page 213 of the February 1886 issue of The Christian Science Journal. See also “EXPLANATION FROM CHICAGO” on page 235 of the March 1886 issue of The Christian Science Journal. or what I cannot tell but I have had to fight very hard indeed- I know I ought to be ashamed of any circumstance disturbing me- but that day when Mrs Bell told me of Mr Whitehead I told her it was nothing and that I was not afraid of the whole world and I felt so then- but I really had to treat myself against it she told me so much that was startling- My Husband has complained for two or three days and I have not been able to help him yet- but I am not afraid to treat him as I once was- I know that things will be better soon- I wrote to Mr Fry in regard to the Class I thought I would like to have some idea- when it began- My BooksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy have not come yet I do hope He will send me some soon He has sent some already to others- Miss Brown told me you had not heard from Mrs Lathrop and that she was advising People to read Dr Evans Book- so I enclose you a letter I received from a Patient of Hers Sat- which disproves the latter part of it- I know nothing about her- I have not heard from her at all except indirectly and that she is doing well- I thought she was too shallow and vain to amount to much but I thought her conscientious-
My Husband is better this morning-- I gave him seven treatments yesterday-