I have nothing of any great importance to write today and if I had I should hardly dare write it. The Patient that I told you of in whom I was so much interested was dead and buried on my return and the other one that I spoke of as being greatly interested in never came back. but even such things as these do not discourage me. I know that the truth is an antidote for all Evils if I can only realize that fact and such of what might [*]Gap: words.Reason: page cut. aging circumstances as a loss of Business and relapsing of Patients. only serves as a spur to greater effort on my part. I know that the fault is in me. I know that I should not suffer nor my Patients be made to suffer for others belief. if my understanding was sufficient and I begin to think that one reason of my trouble is clinging to much to personality. One Sunday morning as I was lying in Bed before I was fully awake & heard this “it is selfishness that is the trouble” sometimes when I have been bothered and perplexed what to do. I have done what I called putting myself in a condition for impressions. I will say now I know what is best for me to do of course. for I reflect infinite wisdom. therefore that wisdom must be mine to decide this matter. and what comes into my thought in the morning is the thing for me to do, and I had tried to do that at that time, in my trouble about my Patients, and that was the voice I heard. I acted upon it, and treated myself for it. and my Patients, but it did not sufficiently cover the Ground. for I did not take it up in a General way as belief of an existence apart from God the one Existence as I am doing now and I think I feel better satisfied, I think Mrs Eddy that as hard as I try, and always have tried from the very beginning, that I must find the truth sometimes sufficient for all these things that bother me. but I find I must get out of Personality altogether and consider nothing but Principle and its expression, and it is particularly hard for one to do. for I was always selfish, with a very strong what is called self will. and being taught as I was at first into Personality or to formulate which of course must be the same, made it worse for me. But no pressure can induce me to cater to Error. for the sake of getting along better in a material way. for you might appear to be doing better when you really would be doing worse. I prefer to stick to the truth and not appear to do anything. for I feel that as long as I do that way. that I must be progressing somewhat. the time will come when it will appear more satisfactory to me. I am certainly better satisfied with myself if I am doing the best that I can. I am afraid you are having a time of it, I think that there is a great effort being made to break you down out here, and appropriate what has been done for their own benefit, when Dr Sherman and and I first came out here before we were Students of yours we always advocated you. gave you full credit for what you had done, and never spoke of any other as having had anything to do with the introduction of this ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. So that the work was started here in your name. by what was called Students of the other side.
With every wish for your Happiness and prosperity I subscribe myself