Accession: 304.43.005
Editorial Title: Caroline D. Noyes to Mary Baker Eddy, April 4, 1884
Author: Caroline D. Noyes 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye  Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: April 4, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Caroline D. Noyes on lined paper from Chicago, Illinois.
Archival Note: This letter includes notations, probably in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye and Mary Baker Eddy.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeEntered
Mrs Eddy
Dear Madam

We arrived here this morning all right. and found everyone As Written: every one apparently glad to see us – Miss Belle Beecher and her mother called to see me today and left a DollarEditorial Note: $1 in 1884 is equivalent to $27.69 in 2017. for a year’s As Written: years subscription for your Journal. The Paper is to be sent to 122 South Lincoln St. to Miss Belle Beecher. The Young Lady is a niece of Henry Ward as I think I told you before.

I have not seen anything As Written: any thing of Miss Brown yet. And as I have but just arrived I have not much in the way of news to write. I hope when you think of me if you should that you will send me an encouraging thought – as I have given The People here and all of my Patients to understand that -- I shall do a great deal Better after having been to the College and I shall use my every endeavor not to reflect discredit on that institution –

Most Truly Your Friend –
Mrs G.P. Noyes
302 Washington Boulevard
Chicago –

Handshift:Mary Baker EddyFrye

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeEntered
Mrs Eddy
Dear Madam

We arrived here this morning all right. and found every one Corrected: everyone apparently glad to see us – Miss Belle Beecher and her mother called to see me today and left a DollarEditorial Note: $1 in 1884 is equivalent to $27.69 in 2017. for a years Corrected: year’s subscription for your Journal. The Paper is to be sent to 122 South Lincoln St. to Miss Belle Beecher. The Young Lady is a niece of Henry Ward as I think I told you before.

I have not seen any thing Corrected: anything of Miss Brown yet. And as I have but just arrived I have not much in the way of news to write. I hope when you think of me if you should that you will send me an encouraging thought – as I have given The People here and all of my Patients to understand that -- I shall do a great deal Better after having been to the College and I shall use my every endeavor not to reflect discredit on that institution –

Most Truly Your Friend –
Mrs G.P. Noyes
302 Washington Boulevard
Chicago –

Handshift:Mary Baker EddyFrye

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$1 in 1884 is equivalent to $27.69 in 2017.