July 22th 1886
Your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. reached me yesterday evening– I am always glad to hear from you, I am very much pleased with the idea of having a teachers' As Written: teachers meeting, with one exception and that is (I am sorry to say) I do not want to be identified in any way with Miss Brown – do not think her trustworthy– I know positively that she corresponded with Mrs Hopkins secretly through a patient of mine who ignorantly studied with Mrs Hopkins, and innocently told me of having carried the letters— I afterwards asked Miss Brown if she had met Mrs Hopkins, she said "why no of course not, I would not recognize As Written: recognise her, She is an enemy of Mrs Eddy'sAs Written:Eddys "– Her deception is too disgusting- for anything– Mrs Bell and I had a little conversation one eve in regard this, and she is quite as disgusted as myself. I hope you will not think me uncharitable or bitter towards her, I have no such feelings, but am afraid she is not our friend and could do us great harm It is a peculiar As Written: peculair conditions of things, and cannotAs Written:can not seem to be remedied at present— If I spoke to her about it, she would fly in a passion, deny everything and perhaps As Written: perhapse act worse, she is so self-willed– Aside from this little CloudI Kings 18:44 And it came to pass at the seventh time, that he said, Behold, there ariseth a little cloud out of the sea, like a man’s hand. And he said, Go up, say unto Ahab, Prepare thy chariot, and get thee down, that the rain stop thee not. we are prospering wonderfully, and perfect unity as far as I know– My four hours for healing are usually filled solid and sometimes running over– I am delighted with my work, especially with the teaching. it is wonderful, am often carried beyond natural (or rather unnatural) Intelligence– All the special preparation I give myself now is to spend an hour before class "reducing mortal mind to its native nothingness"– and with the help of a few dear students -am kept free to "soar into the realms of the real", and when there , I am fearless –
Is it your idea in choosing four of your Students, to start institutions in the different parts of the City? at the same time- I think well of the plan– I wish BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts was nearer Chicago that we might have you in our midst once and a while bodily – I know you are always with us Spiritually- You will come sometime after these Institutions are started, I will surely attend the students' As Written: students meeting when notified, and I will try and see Mrs Bell tomorrow evening and speak to her about it–
Our church affairs look very prosperous– I am teaching at present a class of seven, members of several of our best families, two young men- one thinks of going to BaltimoreEditorial Note: Baltimore, Maryland to start in this work, do you think it would be a good place for him? he is very earnest, and thinks perhaps As Written: perhapse after while he will study for the ministry– he is bright - is the brotherEditorial Note: Probably Edward E. Springer of Miss Springer, who is healing Mrs French-