How can I express my gratitude to you for the beautifully bound volume of Science and HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy—
The pleasure involves a combination of delights– 1st, that my Teacher should regard me with such loving care– 2nd to see Science and Health so beautifully clothed— 3dly the royal handwriting of my loving teacher of Truth– 4th that you should have my name so beautifully printed on the back– altogether it is lovely– and so kind and thoughtful of you to remember me– I appreciate it highly—
I consider Science and Health and the Bible the only two living books ever written, the more I read and study the former, the more wonderful it grows– occasionally the cloud of beliefs is lifted sufficiently to let the true Light come in, and the vision is glorious– I suppose the time will come when we will behold that perfect vision continu ally- that is the prize we are striving for–
Your kind letterEditorial Note: See L04476. reached me yesterday– I will follow your advice in teaching— There are a great many complaints about our charging for healing and teaching– The cry is Christ did not charge– I simply reply that money is evidently their God, and the sooner they sacrifice the affection the better- for where there is no sacrifice there is no atonement–
The people are becoming more alarmed and confounded at this new Light– The Drs As Written: Dr's are simply mad, and make very ugly remarks about us– it don't move me a particle- it makes me stronger, and I hope God will keep me to be steadfast, whatever comes— I would be so delighted if we could have a church here, but we must have a smart man, for the people that would come to our church are those that are accustomed to listening to the best material sermons– I do not know as I am doing right, but I seldom go to church now, I do not enjoy it as I used to- it has ceased to be true worship to me, "sounding brass &c"I Cor 13:1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. – in fact I do not feel at home— I would like you to give me some advice in regard to it– I hear remarks like this– "the Christian Scientist can't be very good christians, they don't go to church– Sometimes I think I ought to go for appearances, but is that right?
I called on Mrs Bell two or three weeks ago while she was passing through a little trouble, she said she would return my call soon, and I will give her your message— How odd that Mrs Crosse should send the Same poem, I received the same from a friend in MilwaukeeEditorial Note: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the little blue bird has carried the 'sad, cheering' message to many a friend I fancy– And now my dear Teacher I will bring this letter to a close for your sake, for, I have already taken too much of your precious time—