Yours of the 4th instEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. was recd yesterday after I left home, Knew nothing of it until after my return from our Association last evening When I entered our special meeting last Saturday I knew of no inharmonious thought, but soon found the thought of meeting so discordant that it became difficult As Written: dificult to discover the golden mean. In the language of the Hebrew prophet, What meaneth the noise of this great shout in the Camp?I Sam 4:6 And when the Philistines heard the noise of the shout, they said, What meaneth the noise of this great shout in the camp of the Hebrews? And they understood that the ark of the Lord was come into the camp.
Your letter may be the answer; Yet I don't As Written: dont want to believe As Written: beleive those seven men whom As Written: whome I have loved and respected so long have it in their heart to break down our association Notwithstanding there were remarks made As Written: mad by that faction that astounded me. If I am in Boston this month, I shall call on youAs Written:yow, in the meantime As Written: mean time endeavor As Written: endevour to hold my thought, in the realm of Truth., denying the power of evil, and wait for the "mists to roll As Written: rool away." Christian Science never was more precious to me and mine than it is todayAs Written:to day, and there must be a great change As Written: chang come to my thought before I can condemn the Woman who brought this precious Truth to my knowledge. I have for some time As Written: sometime believed As Written: beleived and in substance declared that there is nothing between the Christian Scientist and heaven but the seeming power of mortal mind, and having found the line of battle, I hope to move onward and upward unto victory.
I learned through As Written: throug sister Munroe that Mrs Conner is the owner of two houses valued at several thousand dollars, and that she probably is not in need of money with which to defend herself I have paid no money for her benefit though filled out a check and took with me. on wednesday to do so. but no As Written: mo person having been authorized As Written: autherised to act between her and the persons subscribing As Written: subscribeing for benefit and moreover learning that she probably did not want help, placed the whole matter to my thought in a complete chaos As Written: caos ; Can you inform me what appears to you as duty in relation to paying the money and give reasons for the same.? It becomes my duty as well as privilege to say– that Mrs Tucker has during the last few weeks evinced more loyalty to Mrs Eddy and the Cause of Truth than I have on one or two previous occasions given her credit for, She appears to be sound now on the error question. I am more than glad to make this statement, I wish Mrs Eddy to know it. Susie wishes me to say that she was not in the least moved from her foundation by the crusade of yester day
Please As Written: Pleas give my very high regard to Mrs Eddy