Accession: 277.41.011
Editorial Title: Jennie B. Fenn to Calvin A. Frye, July 18, 1886
Author: Jennie B. Fenn 
Recipient: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: July 18, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Jennie B. Fenn on her printed stationery from Omaha, Nebraska.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I amAs Written:Iam hungry for a word from home– "O" how dear is that place to me. and I long and thirst for the day, when I can walk in again, welcome, by the dearest one on earth, to me, and to all, who love our dear teacher and Mother, How it stings when I hear a word spoken against her. Did you see the interview in the "Inter Ocean" with Mrs Plunkett and Mrs Hopkins–? I suppose you did for they sent me copies As Written: copys of the papers and probably favored (?) all ScientiestsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists with one. I do notAs Written:donot understand the article– they claim to work from the basis "God is All therefore there is nothing beside Him."Isa 45:5 ¶I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me: The emblem of their college is a Cross and their Motto "By this we Conquer"– The College is in Detroit, MichiganAs Written:Mich.

I suppose you know all of this and perhaps As Written: prehaps you can tell me why. having repudiated Mrs Eddy and her College, they should care to have for their emblem– the cross– When Mrs Plunkett as I understood, left the class last Sept. she did so as an open enemy to Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S. Do you know why Mrs Hopkins has identified herselfAs Written:her self with the "Michigan Mental Science College"? Have they enemies in ambush? The "One Church" seems a far awayAs Written:a way attainment when one sees how the oldest and most trusted desert and work against Mrs. Eddy and the organization As Written: organizateions they have promised to support.

It makes me Sick to see the hypocrisy, selfishness, pride and self-willAs Written:self will that is revealed in those who have been greatest among us in mighty works. when for a moment the beautiful garment of ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science is no longer used as a cloak to hide the evil within. Every student received papers and the Swartz JournalEditorial Note: In 1885, A. J. Swarts began publishing a monthly periodical called The Mind Cure and Science of Life (later renamed Mental Science Magazine), which regularly published articles repudiating the teachings of Mary Baker Eddy..

At the last students' As Written: students meeting all were surprised that their names should be known and as students, I must confess that I amAs Written:Iam surprised myself. Sister who is in Kansas CityEditorial Note: Kansas City, Missouri had papers sent to her, she thought they might have got her name from the C. S. Journal. But she had not received her Journal until As Written: untill a week or more after those papers had been circulated freely.

Wasn't As Written: Wasent the last Journal a good one? EverybodyAs Written:Every body I know who have the Journal "EchoesAs Written:Echos." Isn'tAs Written:Isent! the Journal good, the best I ever read they will say, I enjoyed every article in it–

Yours in Sincerity
Mrs E. B. Fenn.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

IamCorrected:I am hungringy for a word from home– "O" how dear is that place to me. and I long and t [?] Unclear or illegible hirst for the day, when I can walk in again, welcomed,e, by the dearest one on earth, to me, and to all, who love our dear teacher and Mother, How it stings when I hear a word spoken against her. Did you see the interview in the "Inter Ocean" with Mrs Plunkett and Mrs Hopkins–? I suppose you did for they sent me copys Corrected: copies of the papers and probably favored (?) all ScientiestsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists with one. I donotCorrected:do not understand the article– they claim to work from the basis "God is All therefore there is nothing beside Him."Isa 45:5 ¶I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me: The emblem of their college is a Cross and their Motto "By this we Conquer"– The College is in Detroit, Mich.Expanded:Michigan

I suppose you know all of this and prehaps Corrected: perhaps you can tell me why. having repudiated Mrs Eddy and her College, they should care to have for their emblem– the cross– When Mrs Plunkett as I understood, left the class last Sept. she did so as an open enemy to C. S.Expanded:Christian Science Do you know why Mrs Hopkins has idientified her selfCorrected:herself with the "Michigan Mental Science College"? Have they enemies in ambush? The "One Church" seems a far a wayCorrected:away attainment when one sees how the oldest and most trusted desert and work against Mrs. Eddy and the organizateions Corrected: organization they have promised to support.

It makes me Sick to see the hypocrisy, selfishness, pride and self willCorrected:self-will that is revealed in those who have been greatest among us in mighty works. when for a moment the beautiful garment of ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science is no longer used as a cloak to hide the evil within. Every student received papers and the Swartz JournalEditorial Note: In 1885, A. J. Swarts began publishing a monthly periodical called The Mind Cure and Science of Life (later renamed Mental Science Magazine), which regularly published articles repudiating the teachings of Mary Baker Eddy..

At the last students Corrected: students' meeting all were surprised that theirm names should be known and as students, I must confess that IamCorrected:I am surprised myself. Sister who is in Kansas CityEditorial Note: Kansas City, Missouri had papers sent to her, she thought they might have got herm name from the C. S. Journal. But she had not received her Journal untill Corrected: until a week or more before after those papers had been circulated freely.

Wasent Corrected: Wasn't the last Journal a good one? Every bodyCorrected:Everybody I know who have the Journal "EchosCorrected:Echoes." IsentCorrected:Isn't! the Journal good, the best I ever read they will say, I enjoyed every article in it–

Yours in Sincerity
Mrs E. B. Fenn.
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Christian Scientists Christian Science In 1885, A. J. Swarts began publishing a monthly periodical called The Mind Cure and Science of Life (later renamed Mental Science Magazine), which regularly published articles repudiating the teachings of Mary Baker Eddy. Kansas City, Missouri