Your kind letterEditorial Note: See L12734. received today. TelegramsEditorial Note: These telegrams are not extant. and letterEditorial Note: See L13632. from Mr. Frye also receivedAs Written:rec'd. I thank you most sincerely for the manner in which you have responded to my queriesEditorial Note: See 274.41.006. in regard to the responsibility of those ladiesEditorial Note: Mary H. Plunkett and Emma Curtis Hopkins in ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois and am truly grateful that I was led to write to you.
How dare they pretend to teach Christian Science when they cannot practice it? For the good of Truth and the honest practitioner they should be exposed for they are imposing dozens of students upon a suffering community every month under the name of Christian Scientists and so doing a great injury to the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science.; surely God will bring them into judgement at no late day.
How wicked and how ungrateful for your great and loving kindness- I cannot understand such a nature as would be capable of such ingratitude. After all that had been done for Mrs. H- she should have been willing to have served you and the cause for the remainder of her earth life.
Dear lady I thank you for your kind offer to wait for half of my tuition and shall anxiously await your summons to come-
With your letter today came a postal from Mrs. P. announcing the fact that their next session would open Nov. 12- I had not written since receipt from her of letter that I sent to youEditorial Note: See 274.41.007..
Hoping soon to have the pleasure of seeing you and hearing from your own dear. lips more of Truth, Life and Love- I am –