A lady friend of mine, who has been healed by Truth, was in ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois on business and being very much interested in Christian Science determined to call upon one of the many who are practicing there. The Music Hall being nearest she went there and the first metaphysician that was met was a Mrs. Fenne who became very much interested in the lady and insisted on giving her a note to Mrs. Plunkett, presidentAs Written:pres. of the Emma Hopkins' College- She called and had a very pleasant interview, Mrs. Plunkett finding her so much interested urged her to drop her present business and enter her next class. The lady told her it would be almost impossible for her to think of such a thing but that she had a little friend who was working hard in order to go to Boston for a course of lectures and how sorry she felt for me as I had nothing but my earnings from teaching and had a widowed mother dependent upon me. Mrs. Plunkett seemed very much affected by her story and after a moment's As Written: moments thought said— "carry this message to her in loving kindness– That she may bring her mother and take the course of lectures here for $50Editorial Note: $50.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $1,556.68 in 2022."- I wrote to her after receiving that message simply thanking her and will enclose her reply- Now my dear lady what does it all mean? Is it a special blessing from God's hand? Has Mrs. Hopkins been a student of yours and is she teaching the same Truth? I feel that there is something wrong somewhere I am a poor girl and must sacrifice my little home in order to come to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts but I am willing to do it for the Truth in all its purity as I know it will be from your dear lips but if you say that it is not necessary and will sanction Mrs. Hopkins's As Written: Hopkins teaching I shall abide by your decision- Pardon me for this intrusion on your time but I could not decide without your recommendation- There are so many false teachers in our land- Please, dear lady, write me at once and tell me whether it is Truth or not. I have been impelled to write you today feeling that I could never be satisfied with anyone'sAs Written:any one's else teaching unless you sanctioned it-
If it is an act of Christian charity to one worthy you will discern it, if not, God willing I shall join your next class-