Accession: 244.39.001
Editorial Title: Richard Kennedy to Mary Baker Eddy, date unknown
Author: Richard Kennedy 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: unknown
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Richard Kennedy on embossed lined paper from Amesbury, Massachusetts.
Archival Note: This letter includes a notation in the handwriting of Mary Baker Eddy.
Final Edits
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear May

Yours of date 12thEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. is now before me. Receive my thanks for the explanation. You speak of a change which needs to be made in your ManuscriptsAs Written:Mss written before, do you mean by this in your Bible ones I suppose you must, whatever As Written: what ever I can do for you in any way that you think I am capable of doing. I am ever ready and at hand to do it.

I have not been aware As Written: a ware that you ever held the argument that the idea Man contained any intelligence whatever As Written: what ever . But then you must know that when you first read your ManuscriptsAs Written:Mss to me it could have been nothing more than an opinion or knowledge of the thing so it is not at all surprising to me to see that I have forgotten how they were written. And then Mary Baker Eddy you know that after we have come to the Wisdom of a certain Point, our knowledge is gone and we forget that we were ever in the dark. Colby was in town a few days ago and in conversation with a friend they remarked that universalism had gone by. and Colby answered by saying yes and so will Spiritualism As Written: Spiritwalism have its day and pass by and there As Written: their will be something As Written: some thing better come up. So you see May perhaps your words were not said in vain that you conveyed to him last summer, Nearly every paper that I take up I see something As Written: some thing which shows that people are calling for a work on this ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. I think that whatever As Written: what ever trials you have to undergo As Written: under go by its publication that you will be well repaid by seeing many who will accept and understand. I have not seen Sarah of late as she is not situated so as to commence yet I do not care to be in her influence until As Written: untill I am ready to rub her head. the Lady with her is yet unwell. I shall do with her Just as you have told me to knowing that her Spiritualism is as nothing

with many kind regards to all I am truly yours

P S. For a certain reason do not address me as / Dr or Richard / But thus. R. Kennedy I will tell you why when I see you.
Truly Thine

Handshift:Mary Baker EddyKennedy
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear May

Yours of date 12thEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. is now before me. Receive my thanks for the explanation. You speak of a change which needs to be made in your MssExpanded:Manuscripts written before, do you mean by this in your Bible ones I suppose you must, what ever Corrected: whatever I can do for you in any way that you think I am capable of doing. I am ever ready and at hand to do it.

I have not been a ware Corrected: aware that you ever held the argument that the idea Man contained any intelligence what ever Corrected: whatever . But then you must know that when you first read your MssExpanded:Manuscripts to me it could have haveAs Written:have been nothing more than an opinion or knowledge of the thing so it is not at all surprising to me to see that I have forgotten how they were written. And then May you know that after we have come to the Wisdom of a certain Point, our knowledge is gone and we forget that we were ever in the dark. Colby was in town a few days ago and in conversation with a friend they remarked that universalism had gone by. and Colby answered by saying yes and so will Spiritwalism Corrected: Spiritualism have its day and pass by and their Corrected: there will be some thing Corrected: something better come up. So you see May perhaps your words were not said in vain that you conveyed to him last summer, Nearly every paper that I take up I see some thing Corrected: something which shows that people are calling for a work on this ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. I think that what ever Corrected: whatever trials you have to under go Corrected: undergo by its publication that you will be well repaid by seeing many who will accept and understand. I have not seen Sarah of late as she is not situated so as to commence yet I do not care to be in her influence untill Corrected: until I am ready to rub her head. the Lady with her is yet unwell. I shall do with her Just as you have told me to knowing that her Spiritualism is as nothing

with many kind regards to all I am truly yours

P S. For a certain reason do not address me as / Dr or Richard / But thus. R. Kennedy I will tell you why when I see you.
Truly Thine

Handshift:Mary Baker EddyKennedy
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This letter is not extant. Christian Science