I beg a moment in which to tell you of a vision which I had this morning, It awoke me in sense and Soul also.
I appeared at the door of heaven – harmony which seemed at once to be a state and locality entirely beyond anything which I have experienced heretofore, for it is given me but rarely to see such visions.
The locality and your personality seemed identical, the state and your spiritualized sense were one. There were beings in the background who seemed to be in most happy accord with each other as they gracefully figured in the dim and beautiful scene.
You appeared to have come forward and down a little to meet me, and simultaneous with your personal appearance most holy and radiant As Written: radient with light I also became glorified, the vision or scope of my thought expanding into wonderful beauty and harmony.
The distance in the Eden seemed to rise in succession terraces of every variety of splendor to me symbolizing spiritual growth.
I cannot portray the great impression this vision had left in my thoughts but I do know it means better days and more sanctified fruit for God. Perhaps I have to thank you personally for opening my eyes this early morning hour, I am most thankful for the great love and wisdom which you have opened up to man enabling all who— will to see behind the veil into heaven.
I was very sorry for the sentiment which called out the records of the last meeting. I am aware of no such deliberate intent to plunder and murder as is ascribed to me, and it is quite natural for one to retaliate when thus accused. I shall now forbear, and look upon those who are my judges in a Christian spirit however much they may "Chemicalize"Editorial Note: This is a reference to “chemicalization,” a term used by Mary Baker Eddy to refer to a temporary stirring up of symptoms or process of “fermentation” as errors of various types are being destroyed. over this question.
I know this matter can be adjusted if the Christian rule can be carried out.
I see now the petty feelings which I have from time to time been governed by surely vanishing in the grand sequel of this vision. I see now the beauty and truth of man in you as never before. Your freedom as I see it makes me free also.
If possible can I come to see you soon? in the meantimeAs Written:mean time believe me, if indeed limited, certainly your very grateful student.
P. S.
The letter from which this is a copy was written yesterday afternoon the vision appearing Friday morning Dec. 4. 1885
Very truly yours,