Let me thank you most heartily for the timely pamphlet entitled – “Historical Sketch of Mental Healing,” just received. It meets a long felt want and should be largely circulated. I will order two DozenAs Written:Doz. copies to commence with.
I suppose you have seen the well-written As Written: well written article in the “Transcript”Editorial Note: Boston Transcript of the 23Editorial Note: The Boston Transcript of January 23, 1885, included an article titled “The ‘Christian Scientists’ Cure.”, inst, signed – “S. A. T.” Mr. S. A. Tucker publisher of the Golden RuleEditorial Note: From 1882-1886, Stillman A. Tucker was the publisher of The Golden Rule, a religious periodical founded in 1875 by William Henry Harrison Murray. writes me it was from his pen. He is the one who wished a copy of “S. & H.”Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy., he to pay for some by advertising in the Golden Rule.
Miss Bartlett asked me to make out a listEditorial Note: This list is not extant. of the standing Committee of “C.S.A.” for present year which I submit herewith.
And forever As Written: for ever your
Grateful student