Many thanks for the diluted reflection, the homoeopathic tincture of your substantial As Written: substancial self. Isn’t it strange how a shadow can illumine? Does it not know that all things work togetherRom 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. for the glory of God? With your pictureEditorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy sent copies of a photograph of herself to a number of Christian Scientists at this time., and your word comes sunshine and substance to my home – my heart. I feel, honor, that I observed the substance long before it cast its shadow.
I suggest that someone As Written: some one (Dr. FEditorial Note: Possibly Calvin A. Frye – perhaps) take them on sale, and note the same in the Journal so that the many inquiries for them may be met.