The "Vultures" have not all left Boston. I think the parent birds are here while you only have their progeny but perhaps the latter, according to the law of the "survival of the fittest" are more desperate and disagreeable than their progenitors.
The article to which you refer is only in proof, (see enclosed As Written: inclosed )Editorial Note: This proof is not extant.. Miss Bartlett fortunately procured the Affidavits, after the ManuscriptsAs Written:Mss had been set up. Please make any alteration you choose and return it at once, or, if you make none, retain it; and I suggest the same be published in the "Times" of which you speak.
If you wish a few hundred "Journals" for distribution in ChicagoEditorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy taught a class in Chicago in May 1884., @ 2 centsAs Written:c.Editorial Note: $.02 in 1884 is equivalent to $.55 in 2017. each please let me know. etc.
Dr. Bartol has left his sermon on mind cure with me for publication in pamphlet form. Will you please inform me if your Bookseller in Chicago will handle it there. It will sell @ 10 centsAs Written:c.Editorial Note: $.10 in 1884 is equivalent to $2.77 in 2017. I will furnish it for 8 centsAs Written:c.Editorial Note: $.08 in 1884 is equivalent to $2.22 in 2017. There is evidently to be quite a demand.
The students last (Tuesday) night left much love to be sent via first mail to you.
Very sincerely
Your student