We are indeed thankful to God, that at last we have been able to help thee. We read thy letter this morning amidst blinding tears of gratitude. When Joseph'sEditorial Note: Possibly Joseph Mann letter came yesterday we were just going up to the Church service– We turned and went to the Chamber over the stable, and held our service alone with God – for thee. When thy letter came in the afternoon we realized we were not handling the law of reversal as we should and went to work with renewed efforts to break the spell. It becameAs Written:be came clear to us how to go on, and we did for on, until it seemed Truth had taken everythingAs Written:every thing out of our way, and we were alone with a great, beautiful realization of the Divine Presence – When we returned late in the night, we knew that "His Angels were keeping charge over thee."Ps 91:11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. Once I looked up and said to Alfred, 'If the whole world were offered me, and I could choose between its honors and its luxuries & allurements, and Mother, I would turn withoutAs Written:with out a longing, & put my arms around Mother and ask God to show me how to help her– Alfred said instantly 'Yes, the world lies back of us – Mother is going on– We want nothing else — and then he said, 'And Dolly too wants nothing so much as to serve the Mother – that he knew we could not find a girl anywhereAs Written:any where who would turn so quickly from everythingAs Written:every thing and rejoice to serve in the cause of TruthEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science— We all have much to learnAs Written:lean – but God knows, darling Mother that in this home, we are with thee in heart and purpose. and we cannot fail—
Tell dear Mr Frye & Joseph too, to listen with thee to this sweet story of a little child's trust & faith— A little boy of eight years, whose parents were not Christian Scientists, was permitted to go to a Christian Science Sunday School – and after a time was taken out & put in a Methodist school nearer home— Misfortunes came, and when his mother was grieving one day, he said "if you had let me stay in the Christian Science Sunday School Mamma – I would have learned so much Truth that I could have kept this all away from us"—They permitted him to go back, when they saw his longing and earnestness, and one day when his mother had met with an accident, and the Doctors were failing to relieve her pain – he crept around quietly to her bedside and put his hands upon her head, and quietly stroking her face, declared aloud, all the Truth he knew about God's Allness — Her suffering ceased. her little boy healed her— Then a servant was taken sick with a fever, sometime after, and the Doctors were failing to relieve her of her suffering– Little Walter begged his mother to take the "book"Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and go and read to her – and she said, "well we will both go." Finally, after they had talked & read to her, he slipped to the bed & knelt down and remained there quietly by her side a long time – but the woman grew quiet, went to sleep and was healed. His Mother asked him what he said while he was kneeling there, and his answer was, "oh Mamma I didn't say words, I just held on to Faith. One day when he was nine years old, he had a vacation, and was playing out of doors – when he found a pigeon that was apparentlyAs Written:apparantly dead. He brought it into the house, put it on a chair by him, got his book, and read "Truth" to it. His grandmamma came along and called him foolish when he only had one day's vacation to be spending it in the house thinking he could waken a dead bird – and told him to go out, (he had been sitting there an hour). 'Will you read the book to the bird then,' he said to her – 'if I go out?' She said "No I will not", "I will have to stay then, he said – and at the end of another hour, they saw him stoop down over the bird, which was breathing – take it in his hand, tenderly stroke it – go to the open window, holding his hand out – and the bird flew away —" Dear Mr Frye has been so faithful, & his faith can never falter— With the faith of this little child, we will all love each other & so loving will stand.