Accession: 237AP2.38.019
Editorial Title: Silas J. Sawyer to Mary Baker Eddy, June 1, 1886
Author: Silas J. Sawyer 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: June 1, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Silas J. Sawyer on lined paper from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Fearing you may not consider my reply quite explicit enough, to your question of uniting with you in working solely for the causeEditorial Note: Christian Science, I thought best to follow with the reassurance of my determination As Written: deternination made long since, that nothing should come between ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science and myself. I had determined to push the forming of Students C. S. A. at an early period. I was only waiting to get in more members, to make the requisite number 20. but I shall not wait for that.

At our next meeting I will again bring up the question of applying for a charter to the National C. S. A. and continue to recruit for the twenty and more.

I will at least perform my. individual duty up to the light I have, regardless of all personal obstacles. I cannot be blind to the fact that the success of our cause is our heaven. and we must be united, or we fail to express the true idea of harmony. I will be faithful As Written: faithfull

For His sake
S J Sawyer.

Is it necessary, and can I join the N. C. S. A. as a member of that body; being a member of the College C. S. A. I am at a loss to know just what steps to take.

What is the fee accompanying the application for a charter to the N. C. S. A. for Students C. S. A.?

S. J. S

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Fearing you may not consider my reply quite explicit enough, to your question of uniting with you in working solely for the causeEditorial Note: Christian Science, I thought best to follow with the reassurance of my deternination Corrected: determination made long since, that nothing should come between ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science and myself. I had determined to push the forming of Students C. S. A. at an early period. I was only waiting to get in more members, to make the requisite number 20. but I shall not wait for that.

At our next meeting I will again bring up the question of applying for a charter to the National C. S. A. and continue to recruit for the twenty and more.

I will at least perform my. individual duty up to the light I have, regardless of all personal obstacles. I cannot be blind to the fact that the success of our cause is our heaven. and we must be united, or we fail to express the true idea of harmony. I will be faithfull Corrected: faithful

For His sake
S J Sawyer.

Is it necessary, and can I join the N. C. S. A. as a member of that body; being a member of the College C. S. A. I am at a loss to know just what steps to take.

What is the fee accompanying the application for a charter to the N. C. S. A. for Students C. S. A.?

S. J. S

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