Milwaukee WisconsinAs Written:Wis
June 1st /1886As Written:86
Fearing you may not consider my reply quite explicit enough, to your question of uniting with you in working solely for the causeEditorial Note: Christian Science, I thought best to follow with the reassurance of my determination As Written: deternination made long since, that nothing should come between ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science and myself. I had determined to push the forming of Students C. S. A. at an early period. I was only waiting to get in more members, to make the requisite number 20. but I shall not wait for that.
At our next meeting I will again bring up the question of applying for a charter to the National C. S. A. and continue to recruit for the twenty and more.
I will at least perform my. individual duty up to the light I have, regardless of all personal obstacles. I cannot be blind to the fact that the success of our cause is our heaven. and we must be united, or we fail to express the true idea of harmony. I will be faithful As Written: faithfull
Is it necessary, and can I join the N. C. S. A. as a member of that body; being a member of the College C. S. A. I am at a loss to know just what steps to take.
What is the fee accompanying the application for a charter to the N. C. S. A. for Students C. S. A.?