Yours of the 19th of AprilEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. took me a little by surprise.
You fail to catch my meaning in regard to that question of mesmerism, or at least I did not intend to convey the impression that I treated you mentally. My work in that direction has been upon general principles, and if I took up the question specifically, it was against the ability of the "Mals" to reach us, through producing on estrangement between you and As Written: an ourselves, or other students. I was fully aware that you were able to defend yourself against their attacks; and if you needed assistance, you had faithful ones to call upon.
Some weeks previous you wrote that as I "had delivered the law, in meeting this question of mesmerism, I should now meet it with the gospel hereafter. Drop all names etc." My reply was in reference to that letter, and probably I failed to understand your words for it seems yet necessary with us to take up the names of Arens & Kennedy and some others.
Dear Teacher - your "hope", expressed that which is the burden of my efforts in trying to impart the Truth to others; to teach the Spirit as well as the letter. I know you hear some terrible things about the west, but I could relate some things far worse than you have yet heard.
My own lack of spirituality would be a source of sorrow to myself, did I not strive to keep close to scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, dwelling in it all I possibly can, I cannot, and do not deceive myself, because the feebleness of my demonstrations, in comparison with those of my teacher are the sure indexes of my spiritual growth. I am not discouraged, every Friday evening I give a talk upon some phase of scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, which it seems must result in some good. I have thought I would send you a copy of one of our talks, that you might note the arrangement of thought, and our growth, if any had been made. but you time is so occupied, I did not like to trespass.
I can truly say this, - that we have ever tried to teach, even as we were taught, to make the spiritual the first, and foremost consideration.
I know that you taught what you practiced, and if your students will go out, and are unfaithful, you are not responsible. Mrs Coursen may sow broadcast, which she has done, those pernicious, horrible teaching of Arens, you are blameless; because we were witnesses to your great efforts to plant her upon the basis of Christian Science.
I pity Mrs C-, for the days will come when she would give many times the ten thousand dollarsEditorial Note: $10,000.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $265,305.15 in 2019. she is reported to have made, for the benefits she might have received from a faithful adherence to your teachings.
A word in relation to "Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy," on sale at West & Cos. I called there a couple days since for some copies; they are most out, and probably will send you an order soon. Shall you continue the 33 1/3 discount to them; as they knew nothing of any change in prices. I think it will be for your interest to do so, else I fear they will discontinue keeping them, they will write you in relation to it.
I enclose you a clipping from our daily paper. I intend replying to it, but would like to get a report of the meeting of the Baptist Clergyman of the Monday referred As Written: refered to. I hear that there was an abrupt termination of that meeting for the reason of the testimony of several church members in favor of Christian Science. I want to give that part of it to our public.
Such falsities, as are upon the face of this clipping, will never harm the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science in this vicinity.