I receivedAs Written: recieved the little pamphlet of the History of Christian Science, many thanks for it.
Also I received Bro Frye announcement of your Normal class for the 16th instantAs Written:ins’t, and I very much regret my inability to join for several insurmountable obstacles. I had not calculated upon it until about April; from what you wrote me. Again I have arrived at a point in my finances, that compels me to wait. You may naturally inquire, have I received nothing from those I have taught?
This last class I had, which closes on Monday consisted of four, from whom I received no pay in money: Two were blind, one in a wheelchair As Written: wheel chair from rheumatism. Two of them were falling into the hands of the Aren’s advocates; and to save them from it, I took them.
I hope I am only looking for profit in this, that they will prove good workers in the cause of Christian Science. The satisfaction afforded me in this certainly enables me to forego the great advantage of joining the next Normal class, and patiently wait a future class.
Mrs Eddy – I know I am not working to build up any Institution of my own, only, and solely for the spread of Christian Science in the west. Did I conduct, and direct my efforts in Metaphysics, as I have ordinary business, I could coin money.
Mrs Newman’s and Stuarts pamphlets are being scattered through the west, and unless their influence is systematically, and scientifically combated, they do great harm. A few days since I learned of a most estimable lady, living in a distant state expecting to go to Boston, and take instruction of Mrs Stuart. By telegram, and through the efforts of a friend of hers I have persuaded her to postpone until we can have an interview, and then I hope to convince her if she goes to BEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts – it will be to join a class of yours.
I mention this as one, of the many little things we are doing to help the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science., and not for self, or the Wisconsin Metaphysical Institute.
Dear Teacher – Will you tell me why it is that in the “Journal”, and by letter to parties in the west from Boston, there is so much denial ⇉ Handshift:Mary Baker EddyI know of no such do you? MBE ⇉ Handshift:Silas J. Sawyerthat there is a College in Chicago, or elsewhere, but Boston. Has there been any notice published of such claims. Again letters have been received from Boston, recommending two ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists of the west, as the best healers.
Those letter have been shown to outsiders, and they have asked me what it means, if there is rivalry among ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists Ect?
I do trust it will not be repeated, because it makes it harder for us; to have such added to the work of the “Mals”.
Are you notified of a new institution that has sprung up in your vicinity? I received, a few weeks since; a Journal, and letter from Vineland New JerseyAs Written:N.J. the “ was headed, “Overshadowing Power of God”. The letter contained an invitation to come and take a course of instruction without money and without priceIsa 55:1 Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. , inasmuch as I had before worked under the overshadowing power of such gods, I could not do otherwise than let silence be my reply.
Why my friend and teacher; it is so plain to any who will read understandingly? that all these methods, and systems of mental healing are but the results of an attempt to steal from Christian Science and give it to the public as their own, and such is the ignorance of Mortal thought that it perceives not the materiality, and evil disguised in those methods.
Because one can sit down and think a thought, and a disease disappears, that must be accepted as proof of the correctness of their claim that their method is Scientific, never appeared more absurd to me than now.
What I am so anxious for, is instruction from you of the particulars of the methods of the Mal-practitioners; as it is revealed to you; that I may quickly detect its disguises upon the public thought as well as upon patient and student.
Did I not believe our Heavenly Father will yet open the way so I can come to you, my disappointment would indeed be great;
Hoping As Written: Hopeing , praying and working for you and the success of the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science