I am sure mortals could have experienced no greater pleasure than your letter of the 1st ins’tEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. produced. Your representative occupies a prominent place on our table, even as yourself in our affections. The identity of our teacher in the blessed Truth, stands out in too clear characters, not to be instantly recognized by us. It is a good picture, and it afforded me great pleasure to show it to my students, who desired very much to see it. You know we talk Mrs Eddy, very much, in our instructions, therefore a desire to meet, or see you is stimulated.
I have never questioned your decision, that Chicago would be the great battle ground, and were I situated then as I am now would pitch my tent in its midst.
Perhaps; my teacher, God designed it otherwise; that I should remain here, for certainly had you looked in upon our meeting last evening, you would conclude we had not been idle. Next Friday evening I go by invitation, to meet some twenty or more of our best people in a distant part of the city, from our house, to talk to them on Christian healing. They have only heard of it heretofore through some of the students. The nineteenth of this month we begin another As Written: annother class, and how I do wish I could have received a course on teaching from you, previous to commencing another As Written: annother . I expect, God willing, to be one of your next normal class, because I see more than ever the great need of a more thorough preparation to meet this question of M. –
I have seen the book of abominationsEditorial Note: This is likely a reference to Arens’ pamphlet, The Understanding of Christianity, or God, which plagiarized Eddy’s work. The issue was settled in court in 1883. See Eddy v. Arens, you mentioned, as gotten out by Arens, surely the Lord’s hand directed us in obtaining it. Over One week since, Mrs Sawyer was called a hundred miles north to see a sick lady, this invalid’s sister brought this book to my wife, remarking she “never read such a lot of meaningless stuff, and if Christian Science As Written: science was based upon such absurdities, she had no use for it.” It is needless to repeat what Mrs Sawyer stated; the result being that the lady wanted Science and HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and eventually will become a student.
There has from time to time appeared in one of our dailies, “The Milwaukee Sentinel,” articles criticizing Christian Science, and in a November number a long article, in relation to Hyde Park near Boston, and Mrs StewartEditorial Note: Probably Elizabeth G. Stuart.. It was so full of falsities, I have taken upon myself the task of replying to its statements. The Sentinel was willing to publish that lie, but seems As Written: seem unwilling to give my reply a place in its columns. however if they will not, I can go to another As Written: annother paper, “The Evening Wisconsin,” and as soon as published will send you a copy.
I received an official notice today As Written: to day , from postmaster of Boston, that papers were held at that office, addressed to me, because of lack of necessary stamp. I have forwarded the same, and expect it will prove to be the “Journals,” which have not yet arrived. Would you please ask Bro Frye, or Hanover – to inquire of Mrs Crosse if they have sent the Journals.
In your communication, you say, lay aside the law, now and meet this question of M – with the Gospel. I understand from that, it is in its application to myself, but does it apply to my teaching also? that is, only instruct my students to meet it upon the same rule, the Gospel. Certainly it is far more agreeable to do so. Have you the evidence that Arens and K – have ceased their attacks upon students, or is it that we who have met this question of M – and obtained the mastery, that can safely lay aside the weapon of law, and resort only to that of Wisdom, Truth, and Love.
There is much crowding upon my thought, derived from experience of the past few months As Written: month ; I need to place before you, but must defer until I can meet you face to face.
As soon as I can see my way clear to come to BEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts – I will let you know, and hope it may be at a time suited to the convenience of the next normal class.