Your favor of Sept’ 19thEditorial Note: See V00833. at hand some time since, and contents noted with pleasure, because of your kindly expressions toward our proposed undertaking. I knew it was an undertaking involving grave responsibilities; but the necessity which thrust itself, unsought, before me so often, for some effort put forth, to meet the increasing demand for “Christian Science”, suggested an institution as mentioned.
Often have I put it aside, only to have it return, and finally I determined todayAs Written:to day the measure before you, and if it met your approval, or better yet, your cooperation, I would proceed to carry out the enterprise.
And now that you do approve, let me give you some of the particular reasons why it seemed a necessity to take the steps proposed.
After your return to Boston, I continued to receive letters of inquiry in relation to Christian Science: and to such, whom I could discover as worthy, I have recommended going to you.
Then in the weeks following, applications came: from those claiming to have studied ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science; asking if I would teach them. They claimed to have received instruction, (in one and two days) from teachers in Chicago, and paid from $50.00Editorial Note: $50.00 in 1884 is the equivalent of $1,410.75 in 2018. to $200.00Editorial Note: $200.00 in 1884 is the equivalent of $5,643.01 in 2018. then upon trying to demonstrate; failed, or were very much dissatisfied.
These applications were from people in ChicEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois and 25 to 60 miles out. Also I received, many letters from Missouri, Kansas, Minnesota and our own state.
To all these I returned the reply, I did not teach one or two persons; and the advantages of class teaching at the College were far superior. RepliesAs Written:Replys were received, stating “want of time and money, to go to Boston”.
These applicants were strangers to me; but coming so frequently; it did seem God directed and a call upon me or renewed Efforts.
Not that I had been idle during these months, because my rule has been to devote from 6 to 9 A.M. and 7 to 10 PM to the study, and work in ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, besides advocating the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science whenever opportunity offered, and though our work has not been productive of pecuniary gain, it has produced good results in an increased interest, in others, for the cause; Again we have sold very many copies of “S & H”Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy., and distributed the Journal. Our long neglect of dentistry, on which, I depended for finances, using up what little spare money I had, and receiving very little from the class I taught, compelledAs Written:compeled me to purchase “S & H”Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. of West & Co, and F H Revell of Chicago, until I could replenish my purse. I was so anxious to create a nucleus of faithfulAs Written:faithfull workers, that when a worthy individual applied I did only what my teacher has been guilty of; took them in, money or no money. However I believe it will yield good fruit in its day.
These continued applications, together with the evidences of the good work those I had taught, encouraged me to continue teaching, but, if I should continue teaching, I desired to do so in a manner to reflect credit upon the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science,
What surer way to do so then to follow the example of my teacher? incorporate an institution similar in nature, and if possible under the auspices of, or auxiliary to the Massachusetts Metaphysical College.
I delayed replying to yours of the 19thEditorial Note: See V00833., as I expected the charter every day, and wanted to so inform you, when I did write.
I enclose a copy of Advertisement for the “Journal”, and if the wording is acceptable to you will you please hand to the publishers for insertion in the November Journal, and they may send me the bill.
I shall also want some copies of the “Journal” for subscribers I expect to obtain.
I had nearly omitted one important thing: - frequently, among the inquiries, the question has been asked: “Will Mrs Eddy recognize your students, and if ever they should go to Boston to take a course of instructions, will she make a discount from her regular terms.” I have been unable to return any authoritativeAs Written:authoratative reply to this question, further than that you would entertain, and consider recommends which I should send.
All this was quite significant to me, that if I Entered upon this understanding, it could only be, by and with the approval of yourself; as a harmonious representative of “Christian Science”, & the Massachusetts Metaphysical College. Those were my reasons for inserting the “auxiliary to” in the advertisement, and whatever appears to you as thrusting “me” to the front, you are at liberty to strike out.
Again I was at a loss, whether to sign myself as PresidentAs Written:Pres’t or PrincipalAs Written:Princ’p’l, have put in the copy the former, do you think it best. Change it if you do not.