Accession: 236.38.006
Editorial Title: Laura E. Sargent to Mary Baker Eddy, March 30, 1885
Author: Laura E. Sargent 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: March 30, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Laura E. Sargent on lined paper from Oconto, Wisconsin.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Teacher

We met and formed our AssociationEditorial Note: This was a branch of the Christian Scientist Association in Boston, Massachusetts. some time ago and adopted your Constitution and By-Laws elected Mrs Millege Vice PresidentAs Written:Vice-President Mrs Freeman of Fort Howard Treasure, and myselfAs Written:my-self, Secretary The hope to desire much benefit from meeting together. Have heard from Mrs M Donald of the time you are having. Well we are having the same here. this place is in an uproar. we are just beginning to learn what it costs to follow Christ. Truth. For the last two months it has been one continued struggle and we have had to watch and work to keep above the waters but dear one we have found "God a present help in times of trouble."Ps 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. When we came home in addition to our meeting for Students on Tuesday afternoon we thought we would have one every Wednesday evening and read "Science & Health"Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy for the benefit of any who might wish to listen Sabbath afternoon at three o'clock we have a Bible reading and this has caused much bitterness in beliefs. The press & pulpit. (Herod & Pilate) have united to persecute Truth.Luke 23:12 ¶And the same day Pilate and Herod were made friends together: for before they were at enmity between themselves. When the dark clouds seem about to burst and we catch but a faint gleam of light He gives us strength to understand that behind the cloud God is ever shining and yet the "fact is not behind the fable but is all" O! that we could more fully realize this blessed Truth. It is getting late and I must say goodnightAs Written:good-night and may "white winged thoughts" of God ever guide thee.

Your loving student
L. E. Sargent.

I almost forgot to tell you we applied for our letter from the Church hereEditorial Note: It was and is customary for someone who wishes to withdraw from one church and join another to ask for a letter of recommendation from the pastor of the old church to present to the new church. and the minister refused to give us one saying "we do not recognize her Church as a Church" and I wish you could have heard him talk to me. but “all these things cannot move us"Acts 20:24 But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.


Enclosed please find money $2.00Editorial Note: $2.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $52.94 in 2019. for visiting cardsEditorial Note: Meeting minutes of the Christian Scientist Association meeting in Boston on November 5, 1884, indicate that a decision was made for branch organizations of the Association to be allowed. Members of these organizations could then request visiting cards to visit the Association or any of its branches. to other Associations, please send one to each.

L E. S.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Teacher

We met and formed our AssociationEditorial Note: This was a branch of the Christian Scientist Association in Boston, Massachusetts. some time ago and adopted your Constitution and By-Laws elected Mrs Millege Vice-PresidentCorrected:Vice President Mrs Freeman of Fort Howard Treasure, and my-selfCorrected:myself, Secretary The hope to desire much benefit from meeting together. Have heard from Mrs M Donald of the time you are having. Well we are having the same here. this place is in an uproar. we are just beginning to learn what it costs to follow Christ. Truth. For the last two months it has been one continued struggle and we have had to watch and work to keep above the waters but dear one we have found "God a present help in times of trouble."Ps 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. When we came home in addition to our meeting for Students on Tuesday afternoon we thought we would have one every Wednesday evening and read "Science & Health"Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy for the benefit of any who might wish to listen Sabbath afternoon at three o'clock we have a Bible reading and this has caused much bitterness in beliefs. The press & pulpit. (Herod & Pilate) have united to persecute Truth.Luke 23:12 ¶And the same day Pilate and Herod were made friends together: for before they were at enmity between themselves. When the dark clouds seem about to burst and we catch but a faint gleam of light He gives us strength to understand that behind the cloud God is ever shining and yet the "fact is not behind the fable but is all" O! that we could more fully realize this blessed Truth. It is getting late and I must say good-nightCorrected:goodnight and may "white winged thoughts" of God ever guide thee.

Your loving student
L. E. Sargent.

I almost forgot to tell you we applied for our letter from the Church hereEditorial Note: It was and is customary for someone who wishes to withdraw from one church and join another to ask for a letter of recommendation from the pastor of the old church to present to the new church. and the minister refused to give us one saying "we do not recognize her Church as a Church" and I wish you could have heard him talk to me. but “all these things cannot move us"Acts 20:24 But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.


Enclosed please find money $2.00Editorial Note: $2.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $52.94 in 2019. for visiting cardsEditorial Note: Meeting minutes of the Christian Scientist Association meeting in Boston on November 5, 1884, indicate that a decision was made for branch organizations of the Association to be allowed. Members of these organizations could then request visiting cards to visit the Association or any of its branches. to other Associations, please send one to each.

L E. S.

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Oconto, Wisconsin This was a branch of the Christian Scientist Association in Boston, Massachusetts. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy It was and is customary for someone who wishes to withdraw from one church and join another to ask for a letter of recommendation from the pastor of the old church to present to the new church. $2.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $52.94 in 2019. Meeting minutes of the Christian Scientist Association meeting in Boston on November 5, 1884, indicate that a decision was made for branch organizations of the Association to be allowed. Members of these organizations could then request visiting cards to visit the Association or any of its branches.