Accession: 236.38.003
Editorial Title: Laura E. Sargent to Mary Baker Eddy, October 23, 1884
Author: Laura E. Sargent 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: October 23, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Laura E. Sargent on lined paper from Oconto, Wisconsin.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Teacher

I see that by not writing immediately after reading the first telegram has caused you great trouble for which I sincerely ask your forgiveness. After receiving your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. I waited two days before I sent telegram so Ms Pendleton could see if she could find someoneAs Written:some one to keep house for her. then I sent the telegram and never thought but what that would be all sufficient I still hoped that we could find someoneAs Written:some one to go with my sister for I never saw her feel so disappointed over anythingAs Written:any thing as she did over that. There is a Lady here who has read your books and has received such a good understanding that she can demonstrate with good success: she would be a bright and shining light for ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science but the one thing needful, that is the money, she said it would be impossible to obtain. she will try and save enough between this and Spring to go with us when we go. I was so in hopes she could go with my sister. it was a great disappointment to all of us. I was so sorry to hear Dr Sawyer had opened a branchAs Written:branc College withEditorial Note: Sargent likely meant "without" based on the context. consulting you. I feel that it is a duty we our fellow-man and to God to learn the Truth first before we try and teach it to any. I had a letter from a Lady yesterday and she told me A. J. Swarts was teaching twelve lessons for twelve dollarsEditorial Note: $12.00 in 1884 is the equivalent of $338.58 in 2018.. I have also had my confidence shaken in Dr Sherman from letters that are now in my possession We take your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. for our guide now when any student says anythingAs Written:any thing that is contrary to what they teach do we not have perfect right to stand by our dear Teacher and this most holy Truth and say what is right. Oh. My dear Teacher what each student needs is more of the Spirit instead of the Letter. God help each one to be faithful and may His blessing rest upon you who have labored so earnestly. With love from all.

Your loving student
Laura E Sargent.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Teacher

I see that by not writing immediately after reading the first telegram has caused you great trouble for which I sincerely ask your forgiveness. After receiving your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. I waited two days before I sent telegram so Ms Pendleton could see if she could find some oneCorrected:someone to keep house for her. then I sent the telegram and never thought but what that would be all sufficient I still hoped that we could find some oneCorrected:someone to go with my sister for I never saw her feel so disappointed over any thingCorrected:anything as she did over that. There is a Lady here who has read your books and has received such a good understanding that she can demonstrate with good success: she would be a bright and shining light for ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science but the one thing needful, that is the money, she said it would be impossible to obtain. she will try and save enough between this and Spring to go with us when we go. I was so in hopes she could go with my sister. it was a great disappointment to all of us. I was so sorry to hear Dr Sawyer had opened a brancCorrected:branch College withEditorial Note: Sargent likely meant "without" based on the context. consulting you. I feel that it is a duty we our fellow-man and to God to learn the Truth first before we try and teach it to any. I had a letter from a Lady yesterday and she told me Rev. Swartz was teaching twelve lessons for twelve dollarsEditorial Note: $12.00 in 1884 is the equivalent of $338.58 in 2018.. I have also had my confidence shaken in Dr Sherman from letters that are now in my possession We take your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. for our guide now when any student says any thingCorrected:anything that is contrary to what they teach do we not have perfect right to stand by our dear Teacher and this most holy Truth and say what is right. Oh. My dear Teacher what each student needs is more of the Spirit instead of the Letter. God help each one to be faithful and may His blessing rest upon you who have labored so earnestly. With love from all.

Your loving student
Laura E Sargent.
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Oconto, Wisconsin This letter is not extant. Christian Science Sargent likely meant "without" based on the context. $12.00 in 1884 is the equivalent of $338.58 in 2018. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.