I do not know how to thank you for the beautiful emendations & additions you have made to my article. It will now be a valuable contribution indeed to Dr Hastings' Dictionary of ReligionsEditorial Note: Ramsay’s article was published in Volume 3 of the Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, edited by James Hastings. The 12 volumes of the encyclopedia, plus an index volume, were published between the years 1908 and 1921.. I know the alterations you have made will be a great help to me, showing so clearly as they do, the necessity of getting a deeper grasp of God's Allness, His Omnipotence & Ever-presence in order to prove the unreality of evil.
I am very sorry if by quoting so freely from the text-bookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy I have in any way infringed on your rights. I am sure you know that any such intention was far from my thought, & I am grateful to you for pointing out. the error. Also about the marginal heading which shall be changed. I feel so happy about the article now. My only wish of course is that those who read it may thereby be encouraged to study the textbook As Written: text-book for themselves. I cannot say how good of you I think it, to have spared so much time from your own work as thus to correct the article. This country will get the benefit of your labour as I expect the book will have a wide circulation.
I have been mostly at home here since the middle of November, but I expect to return to my work in EdinburghEditorial Note: Edinburgh, Scotland soon after the New Year.
With much love from us both.