June 7th 1886
Your very kind letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. of May 31st, is just received, & with an overflowing heart, with gratitude as well as surprise I will answer. Words are too MeagerAs Written:Meagre, to express my thanks It can only be done by Soul communion which I feel that you of all persons can & will understand. There has ever, from my first knowledge of you & your work, seemed to be a strong feeling of sympathy & love going out to you; which has been doubly strengthened since my husband has been with you. I have from the first felt that I should never be satisfied in this work until I had been permitted to receive it direct from you & 9 Months ago I should have gone to you if I could have seen my way clear to do so, & my husband had not felt that it was unnecessary to do so. I accept this loving token from you & the FatherEditorial Note: God as a signal of approval of my life devotion to the good of others, thus testing my natural pride as well as Professional dignity. which you will more fully understand as you know me better. My whole lifetime As Written: life time & strength which is given for others is not mine but given for this purpose.
Most gladly will I avail myself of your very kind offer if our dear FatherEditorial Note: God will permit me to do so.
With much love & best wishes for your Spiritual & temporal prosperity, I am in haste