Enclosed please find $2,00Editorial Note: $2.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $52.71 in 2019. for which please send 2 numbers of your Journal of Christian Science, – One to Mrs L. D. Williams Berkeley As Written: Berkley Alameda CountyAs Written:Co — CaliforniaAs Written:Cal & the other one to Mrs Christine Hamilton 910 Filbert St, Oakland CaliforniaAs Written:Cal —, & oblige. I had hoped to send a much larger list this time but the rest are not quite ready just now, but hope to soon, Our BooksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy have just arrived & also the last Journals ordered. In sending in names at club rates do you require all of them to be sent at one time? I am introducing not only your BooksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy but your Journals as fast as I can possibly do so.
Please let these Journals commence with the August one if you can & oblige
P.S. I would like to know something about your Terms, Times of treatment et ceteraAs Written:&c — & also the length of your College course, & length of time to prepare one for Teaching et ceteraAs Written:&c
I have some friends in that vicinity who need Treatment & I would like to be able to give them some definite instruction before urging them to undertake it.
Also what your terms are to enter your College for one who has been studying this for years & for some time Healing too — I don'tAs Written:dont know to whom to write to know only to — Have any cases of Epilepsy not cured by this treatment to your positive knowledge
Sent Oct 1 2