Miss Brown has read me your last letter, and suggested that I write an answer as probably I may be able to allay your fears concerning the state of things here better than anyoneAs Written:any one else. It is quite true, that as far as I am personally concerned a complete moral revolution has taken place; producing an entire change of procedure As Written: proceedure as regards my future methods of work in connection with ChristianAs Written:C– Science.
Your letter to me in relation to my last Article in the 'Inter Ocean' caused for the time being a sorrow that no language describe, but it has done me incalculable good, more so than all the instruction I have ever received from you, because it has opened my eyes to a condition that I never supposed existed, and that was, of depending as much for my inspiration and joy upon the personal approbation of Mrs Eddy as upon my Blessed MasterEditorial Note: Jesus Christ.
I know that you will say, 'That I was foolish for putting you on a similar footing to Christ, that it was never your desire that I should exalt your personality, but it seems to be an error that so many of your students fall into, notwithstanding your earnest protestations against it, and I thought that I had escaped their folly until your letter showed me that I had fallen into the same error. That letter has brought me to where Paul was when he wrote to the Corinthians as follows, "So that we from this time respect no one on account of flesh; and even if we esteemed Christ on account of flesh, yet now, we no longer thus regard him."II Cor 5:16 Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more.
The clear perception of the fact, viz, That I must not allow any personality to stand between me and the Truth as I understand it, has constrained me to dissolve partnership with Miss Brown and to start out on an entirely independent line of Action. I refuse to be any longer regarded as the Principal and representative head of any particular school of Christian Science.
It is very clear to me, That ChristianAs Written:C– Science is God's Truth. To me, it is the Truth, and Truth is a Unit, and the moment it is classified by a name, other than God's, that moment we destroy its absolute oneness and imply the existence of some other kind of ChristianAs Written:C– Science.
Hence we have here todayAs Written:to day the Hopkins School of ChristianAs Written:C– Science, the Swarts School, and I don't As Written: dont know how many others. To me, there is but one ChristianAs Written:C– Science and there can never be any other.
By ChristianAs Written:C– Science, as taught in your book 'Science & Health'Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy I intend to stand or fall, and as opportunities are furnished I propose to teach and practice that whole gospel of the 'Ever Blessed God', but henceforth I claim the privilege As Written: privelege of independent action, but shall always be grateful for any suggestion that you, or anyoneAs Written:any one else, who is a true believer in Christian Science, may have to offer as to the most effectual method of promoting the Cause of ChristianAs Written:C– Science.
As I find my proposed course, so much misunderstood by the scientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists here, and as some may deem it their duty to express their opinion to you concerning it. Permit me to hope, that you will never entertain for one moment the idea, that however much I may have erred in judgment as to my methods of work, I have not departed from Christian Science as you have taught it to me. I promise you this, that when I can no longer endorse the Science as expounded in your book, I will be the first to let you know, and until you hear from me, never believe the affirmation of any one else to the contrary.
P.S. Please tell me, If in your judgment, my proposed line of future action, will necessitate my separation As Written: seperation from the Church and Association at BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts.