Your welcome letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. is to hand. I am glad to have your sympathy and words of cheer in my present isolation from my clerical brethren.
I could do no other, I must be true to my convictions and walk in the lightI John 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. as the blessed Christ gives it to me, even if it should take me out and away from the dearest associations of this world. The truth I must have at whatever cost.
Your cordial invitation to the Pastoral work of the C. C. S has awakened earnest desire for the guidance of the Infinite Spirit, and after passively waiting for the direction promised, the impression that comes to me is this. That I dare not say 'No', nor unqualifiedly say 'Yes.'
There are many things to be taken into consideration. 'Do nothing rashly' is often suggested to me. God has thrust me and my Dear Wife to the front in connection with the 'Mind Cure' work here, and given us much encouragement, though at present we are scarcely paying the expenses of our family.
Already I am Ministering every sabbath to a few souls who are hungering for the truth, and through them the leaven of Christian Science is spreading.
Should I leave this work for other hands to carry on is a grave question. After a calm, careful and prayerful survey of the whole field, I am ready to make this suggestion. If the church which you represent will send me my RailAs Written:R. Road Fare to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts, which at the present low rates will not exceed $100Editorial Note: $100.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $2,882.66 in 2021. (including incidentals and which I am not able to meet.) I will assume the Pastoral relation for 3 or 4 months on trial on the terms you offer. At the expiration of that time you will be in a better position to judge of my fitness for the place I am asked to fill. To me, it seems no ordinary thing to cooperate in a work so grand and far reaching as that which God has enabled you to inaugurate. Your Pastor should be a man who can hold his own with any Minister in Boston. God alone can qualify and give you such a man. If God thinks he can use me for so great a work, I shall respond to the call, for I know that with the call the needful grace and wisdom will be given. But let us test the matter first, for it is written 'Lay hands suddenly on no man'I Tim 5:22 Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men’s sins: keep thyself pure. .
If the wisdom of my suggestion commends itself to your judgment and that of the Church, I will engage to be with you in two or three weeks from the receipt of your reply. Accept my hearty thanks for the Invitation to a seat in your class. Should the way open, I shall esteem it a great privilege As Written: privelege to be found 'Not wanting'Dan 5:27 TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting. . My Dear Wife joins me in reciprocating your true Christian love.