I write to you in sympathy with your feeling at this crisis of the Association: with much assurance that a few will come uppermostAs Written:upper most in this chemicalizationEditorial Note: Chemicalization is a term Mary Baker Eddy used to refer to a temporary stirring up of symptoms or process of “fermentation” as errors of various types are being destroyed.. I feel that you have no need of my sympathy for God is nearer to you than human ties: but if you have any need of any student services you may count on me; One idea I have had in my mind is the need of a copyright of S & HEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy in England I spoke to Mr As Written: My Frye some time ago about it. I have a brother-in-lawAs Written:brother-in law over there who I have spoke about getting it in his name and then transfer it to you and he said he would do so, he is in a large business entrusted As Written: intrusted to him there and one whom you could trust I may see the time soon which I could give to introduce it over thereAs Written:overthere if my sister goes there to live as is talked of now if I don't As Written: dont it would be well to have a copyright secured As Written: seccured because Christian Science is now trading round the globe I thought I would write you of this chance and you might do as you like. I suppose the new bookEditorial Note: A revision of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. will be out soon and that will relieve As Written: relive you of one great care and I hope will give you a chance to rest awhileAs Written:a while Hoping As Written: Hopeing that the new students of the college will be a help and not an hinder to you as those in the past has done, It is too As Written: to bad you have to keep As Written: keek making As Written: makeing new tools to work with Trusting they may prove to become such as their appearance As Written: appearence now indicate As Written: indecate