Since you talked with me a few days ago about entering your Normal Class I have given the matter due consideration It is really my earnest desire to enquire more deeply into this wondrous work of God To attain this knowledge I need your teaching and guidance In a few words I will tell you our circumstances Whatever your decision may be we will certainly feel that it has been done in love and for our good. At present I have not a patient – Not because my work in ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science has not been faithful and the results good Chelsea is a city of prejudice and very bigoted. But God reigns And I can wait. Already people are beginning to get interested As I told you my husband has a fair practiceAs Written:practise. But household expenses and endeavoring to pay back debts take it nearly all - And up to the present time we have saved nothing- However I am quite sure that we could borrow one hundred dollarsEditorial Note: $100.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $3,241.51 in 2023.- As some of my classmates studied for that sum if you think it would be best to allow me to enter the class for that amount - bid your peace abide with me. tell me to come and I will gladly –