Accession: 202B.33.017
Editorial Title: Joseph S. Eastaman to Mary Baker Eddy, July 1, 1910
Author: Joseph S. Eastaman 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: July 1, 1910
Manuscript Description: Typewritten by Joseph S. Eastaman with signature in his handwriting, from Boston, Massachusetts.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

You and your priceless teaching in Christian Science have been, are, and will ever be present in my thoughts to keep me in remembrance of the many blessings I have received from God through Christian Science. I write these few lines to my dear Teacher and friend, not to keep dates, times and seasons, but to acknowledge you as my best friend and guide and to thank you over and over again for the many good advices you have given me. You told me more than twenty-five years ago to take an office and to go to work on Christian Science healing. I did as you told me, and took this room on lease. It is just twenty-five years today As Written: to-day since I began the most holy work (to my sense), and Oh, beloved Teacher, how many are the people that I have been the instrument to heal help in that time, and how many are the people that are living in comparative health today As Written: to-day who were given up by the medical profession and through my efforts in Christian Science to save them are today As Written: to-day well and praising God for Christian Science.

You know me better than anybody in this world, because you have tried me and I think have found me all you expected. You judge me by your experience of me. God led me to you in the hour of most need. I said then I should never turn away from you and have never done so, and I never will, so help me God. Don't you remember, my precious Teacher, how many hard battles against the belief of error we fought in days gone by and won them all by God's help and your wise counsel. The old captain always did love you and always will, mainly because through your sound teachings in Christian Science you saved my precious wife from the belief of death and the grave. She was given up to die by a number of doctors, and by myself too, who as a sea captain had to be a doctor and practice As Written: practise medicine to protect my passengers and crews. But God has always kept the best before me, so gave me the chance to rise above the ordinary sailor, and kept my feet from fallingPs 116:8 For thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling. into the pit which sailors usually fall into unless they are alert to the guidance of God.

For more than sixty years my prayer, so simple and brief, has been, God help me, God help me, God help me! With this little prayer in my thought I have conquered attacks of pirates in the China Seas, the mutinies of sailors on board the ship, hard gales, hurricanes, tempests on the high seas, disasters, shipwrecks, lee shores, lack of provisions and water, and, worse of all, the enmity of men.

To me there is no greater prayer than those few words that I can say from actual experience I have gone for hours and weeks, yes and for months, repeating that prayer mentally, and the result has always been alike,- the answer has always come and I was brought out from my distresses. I prayed to God for help to have this letter reach you and I know it will, and I know too that you will be glad to get it and to hear from the old sea captain who loves you with that love that knows no evil, and I know you love me too, my dear Teacher. This letter is from my heart, and is to cheer you by reminding you of good work done years ago, and also is, and mainly so, to give thanks unto the Lord for His mercies which have endured till today As Written: to-day .

My wife too, and my daughterEditorial Note: Although her parents were Christian Scientists, we have found no further information concerning Mary I. Eastaman's (1861-1918) involvement with Christian Science., join me in sending our love, which I know you will accept.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

You and your priceless teaching in Christian Science have been, are, and will ever be present in my thoughts to keep me in remembrance of the many blessings I have received from God through Christian Science. I write these few lines to my dear Teacher and friend, not to keep dates, times and seasons, but to acknowledge you as my best friend and guide and to thank you over and over again for the many good advices you have given me. You told me more than twenty-five years ago to take an office and to go to work on Christian Science healing. I did as you told me, and took this room on lease. It is just twenty-five years to-day Corrected: today since I began the most holy work (to my sense), and Oh, beloved Teacher, how many are the people that I have been the instrument to heal help in that time, and how many are the people that are living in comparative health to-day Corrected: today who were given up by the medical profession and through my efforts in Christian Science to save them are to-day Corrected: today well and praising God for Christian Science.

You know me better than anybody in this world, because you have tried me and I think have found me all you expected. You judge me by your experience of me. God led me to you in the hour of most need. I said then I should never turn away from you and have never done so, and I never will, so help me God. Don't you remember, my precious Teacher, how many hard battles against the belief of error we fought in days gone by and won them all by God's help and your wise counsel. The old captain always did love you and always will, mainly because through your sound teachings in Christian Science you saved my precious wife from the belief of death and the grave. She was given up to die by a number of doctors, and by myself too, who as a sea captain had to be a doctor and practise Corrected: practice medicine to protect my passengers and crews. But God has always kept the best before me, so gave me the chance to rise above the ordinary sailor, and kept my feet from fallingPs 116:8 For thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling. into the pit which sailors usually fall into unless they are alert to the guidance of God.

For more than sixty years my prayer, so simple and brief, has been, God help me, God help me, God help me! With this little prayer in my thought I have conquered attacks of pirates in the China Seas, the mutinies of sailors on board the ship, hard gales, hurricanes, tempests on the high seas, disasters, shipwrecks, lee shores, lack of provisions and water, and, worse of all, the enmity of men.

To me there is no greater prayer than those few words that I can say from actual experience I have gone for hours and weeks, yes and for months, repeating that prayer mentally, and the result has always been alike,- the answer has always come and I was brought out from my distresses. I prayed to God for help to have this letter reach you and I know it will, and I know too that you will be glad to get it and to hear from the old sea captain who loves you with that love that knows no evil, and I know you love me too, my dear Teacher. This letter is from my heart, and is to cheer you by reminding you of good work done years ago, and also is, and mainly so, to give thanks unto the Lord for His mercies which have endured till to-day Corrected: today .

My wife too, and my daughterEditorial Note: Although her parents were Christian Scientists, we have found no further information concerning Mary I. Eastaman's (1861-1918) involvement with Christian Science., join me in sending our love, which I know you will accept.

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Although her parents were Christian Scientists, we have found no further information concerning Mary I. Eastaman's (1861-1918) involvement with Christian Science.