May 26 th /85
Please Pardon me for taking a little of your very valuable time = But I feel it my Duty to tell you why I have not paid some up the $200Editorial Note: $200.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $5,303.26 in 2020. I still owe you for my Tuition I told you long since that I intended after learning Christian ScienceAs Written:C.S. to go to Panama New Granada As Written: Granana
But I got So attached to you = the Church = Association fee = that I don't feel as though I ought As Written: ougth to go away now from all that is good = yet I must own that since I began Practicing Christian ScienceAs Written:C.S. 4 month ago I have not yet earned $100Editorial Note: $100.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $2,651.63 in 2020. = now that will not Keep My Family = yet I feel Anxious As Written: Ancious very about my Debt to you = at Present I have no Paying Patients & have had none for 5 weeks = Please to advise As Written: advice me what I best do if you Can I have Patience As Written: Pations with me for I will pay you All = My Practice on Christian ScienceAs Written:C.S.
So far has been quite Successful As Written: Succesful = I thought As Written: thougth best to ask you here why is it that people before As Written: befar they are healed are full of Promises As Written: Promissess of other As Written: othere Patients = and yet when they are Cured are Ashamed to tell others lay what method they have been Cured = Should you have any Patients come to you Please to Send some to my wife who As Written: whoe I am happy to say is quite Successful As Written: Succesful and Oblige yours very