⇉ Handshift:Calvin A. FryeAnsweredAs Written:Ans Dec 11
⇉ Handshift:Joseph S. Eastaman85 Broadway Chelsea MassachusettsAs Written:Mass 10th Dec 1884
the Writer is the Man that Called on you Some 7 Weeks ago in Company with a young Man who is getting treated As Written: threated by Mr Burtrum = and as I stated to you then Was a Sea Capt = My object in Writing to you is that Since I heard from your ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science and Saw the good done by it a longing took Possession As Written: Possasion of Me to learn it – and Cannot As Written: Can not Dismiss the Subject from My Mind
My business for the Past Six years has been So bad that I have but barely Kept My Family from Want = and finally ended by losing As Written: lossing My Ship at Valparaiso Chile
Since I Called on you I Wanted to enter one of your ClassesEditorial Note: Classes at the Massachusetts Metaphysical College but My Wife being Sick abed As Written: a bed Cost Me about all the Money I had = I can now with Some trouble get $100Editorial Note: $100 in 1884 is the equivalent of $2,821.50 in 2018. = Will you Dear Madam accept the above Sum with the Promise of Paying you the Balance as Soon as I Can get it and let Me enter even if it is your Charity Class