Accession: 194.32.006
Editorial Title: Ellen E. Cross to Mary Baker Eddy, March 29, 1886
Author: Ellen E. Cross 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: March 29, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Ellen E. Cross on lined paper from Binghamton, New York.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Teacher:

Mrs. Ellen Kilburn, an Electric physician has called twice to see us with regard to studying Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S. She is a very pleasant christian woman- and belongs to one of the first families of this CityEditorial Note: Binghamton, New York- Her brother is a Druggist here- She and her husband went to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts last Fall (I believe) with the intention of studying with you, but by some chance, they called a Dr. Cullis first, and there heard such the reports of Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S. and yourself- that they returned without even going to the College- She went to Florida early in the Winter and Feb. 2nd she was telegraphed home on acct. of the sudden death of her husband at Worcester MassachusettsAs Written:Mass. In his trunk she found a copy of "Science & Health"Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, and some notes or writings which show that he had again taken up Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S. and intended to study–

Of course that awakened a desire to carry out his plan so far as possible, by studying herself- She has now gone to an adjoining As Written: adjoing town to settle up her affairs preparatory to joining your Class, and taking up this work. She will be a strong influential person in this or any work- I hear that she was very successful in her work as an Electrician–

My first Class are doing good work- My second one, consisting of six, three Episcopalians, and two Baptists, (Baptists take to this as ducks take to water) are coming on finely, and feel that they have just learned how to live- I have another Class forming in another town near here, to begin soon as this is done– EveryoneAs Written:Every one seems so hungry for this truth.

Enclosed please find the handkerchief you so kindly loaned me, the day mine blew away- when in class- and excuse the long delay in sending- I quite overlooked it-

I wrote Dr. Frye to know what, if anythingAs Written:any thing, could be done about my Students:– joining the National Asso,, but have receivedAs Written:recd,, no reply- Can you instruct him to write-

With ever increasing love and gratitude- I am
Your Student & friend
Ellen E. Cross
3 Case Blk-
Ferry St.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Teacher:

Mrs. Ellen Kilburn, an Electric physician has called twice to see us with regard to studying C. S.Expanded:Christian Science She is a very pleasant christian woman- and belongs to one of the first families of this CityEditorial Note: Binghamton, New York- Her brother is a Druggist here- She and her husband went to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts last Fall (I believe) with the intention of studying with you, but by some chance, they called a Dr. Cullis first, and there heard such the reports of C. S.Expanded:Christian Science and yourself- that they returned without even going to the College- She went to Florida early in the Winter and Feb. 2nd she was telegraphed home on acct. of the sudden death of her husband at Worcester MassExpanded:Massachusetts. In his trunk she found a copy of "Science & Health"Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, and some notes or writings which show that he had again taken up C. S.Expanded:Christian Science and intended to study–

Of course that awakened a desire to carry out his plan so far as possible, by studying herself- She has now gone to an adjoing Corrected: adjoining town to settle up her affairs preparatory to joining your Class, and taking up this work. She will be a strong influential person in this or any work- I hear that she was very successful in her work as an Electrician–

My first Class are doing good work- My second one, consisting of six, are three Episcopalians, and two Baptists, (Baptists take to this as ducks take to water) are coming on finely, and feel that they have just learned how to live- I have another Class forming in another town near here, to begin soon as this is done– Every oneCorrected:Everyone seems so hungry for this truth.

Enclosed please find the handkerchief you so kindly loaned me, the day mine blew away- when in class- and excuse the long delay in sending- I quite overlooked it-

I wrote M.Dr. Frye to know what, if any thingCorrected:anything, could be done about my Students:– joining the National Asso,, but have recd,Expanded:received, no reply- Can you instruct him to write-

With ever increasing love and gratitude- I am
Your Student & friend
Ellen E. Cross
3 Case Blk-
Ferry St.
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Binghamton, New York Boston, Massachusetts Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy