Mar. 17 – 1886
⇉ Handshift:Calvin A. FryeHave none for Sale now each teacher make their own haven't time to attend to this
Miss Bartlett sends me to you for certificates to give my Students, in the form of receipts for Tuition - Do you get my meaning? I want some printed receipts to give my Students for their Tuition that will show that they are genuine ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists - You may send 3 or 4 dozenAs Written:doz- with price for the same, and I will remit.
Please send the booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, which I hope will come soon - as we have customers waiting for them, to 3 Case Blk - Ferry St. instead of 195 Front St.
Will you please send me the address of Mrs. Larminie of ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois – I have been so unfortunate as to lose it -
Miss Osgood wishes me to inquire, what the probabilities are as to the time of the next Class in Healing - She does not wish to take too many cases if the time is near at hand –
I have a Class of six who are going to make good workers I think. Two have already done excellent work and have only been 8 days in Class - There is a good deal of interest, Another Class is forming, which will begin soon as this closes -