Your second letterEditorial Note: See L04638. just receivedAs Written:rec'd, and as I should have written to you today As Written: to-day anywayAs Written:any way can answer bothEditorial Note: See L04637 and L04638. at once,
What you will probably care most to hear is that I have this morning finished a course of lessons to a class of four. You know what pioneer work is and I do not need to tell you of the patience, obstacles surmounted, &c, I anticipate a greater activity in the work now and know my class will be a great help. What I see and understand clearly I can express (though my style is exceedingly plain and unvarnished) and I know my hearers cannot fail to perceive what has been so clear to me each class day. I shall be very careful whom I attempt to teach until having more experience. My thought has been so occupied with my teaching and certain new cases for treatment that I had not lately observed anythingAs Written:any thing unusual in the realm of mortal belief.
Since knowing Mrs
Hopkins I have felt perfectly indifferent as to the mind-curers and their work, though quite
surrounded by them, and hearing continually of them and of the great Prof. (?) Colville's wonderful success, one
private class of 500 in S.
FranciscoEditorial Note: San Francisco, California,- is now in Los Angeles. One of his enthusiastic students of S. F.Editorial Note: San Francisco called on me today As Written: to-day "because there is such a bond of sympathy between all who are at work in
metaphysics, you know," Quite touching indeed! "O, yes, Prof. C. speaks very highly of Mrs Eddy and her work and entertains many of
her views, but you know there are many branches." I knew she was a Spiritualist and
allowed her to depart very soon. If their metaphysics was
practised before Christ's time as they assert do they not confess that it is
anti-christ, as prophesiedI John 2:18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many
antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. ?
Theosophical Spiritualism, ad absurdum.
The letter containing the new rules was just too late for my last printing but will try to have the next right. Have felt the need of more rules and regulations and approve those passed, also the change in regard to "rudiments",
My practice is not large but the confidence seems to be increasing, and a corresponding hatred on account of that
Had a recent case of what the patient called spasmodic asthma which under the usual medical treatment lasted always from two to three months, had been in progress several days when I began to treat. but after the first day of my attendance there was no more trouble from it, slept that night the first for several nights. Saw the person four times, quite a contrast to say the least. I feel the need more and more of understanding the anatomy of C. S.Editorial Note: Christian Science better, Receive many letters of inquiry showing an interest in the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science.. to say nothing of papers & circulars from the opposite side, so brotherly & sisterly. The true children will not desert their mother-in-Love, I appreciate your kind remembrances. always, and forget that I am far away and alone.
Has the Rev. Joseph Adams been silenced? I never hear of him.