Accession: 163A.27.048
Editorial Title: Ellen Brown Linscott to Mary Baker Eddy, February 25, 1887
Author: Ellen Brown Linscott 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: February 25, 1887
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Ellen Brown Linscott on unlined paper from Chicago, Illinois.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Teacher,

I arrived home last evening to find that Mr. Adams had cut loose from us. He was very As Written: vry angry and hot about your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. concerning the newspaperAs Written:news paper article et ceteraAs Written:&c– and has read your letter and his replyEditorial Note: See 216.36.011. to a great many people here and last Thursday the Association met, and as I was not present he had it all his own way – no doubt did it on purpose so to try to get them all on his side before my return. Oh; it is so hard after As Written: aftr all my hard work to see him tear it down. But the following will explain itselfAs Written:its self He addressed the C. S. A. as follows:

"Beloved Fellow Workers in the Cause of Christian Science,

Since our last meeting a circumstance has occurred producing in me a complete moral revolution, and as its results may to some extent modify my relations with you, I think it is due to you that you should know from a direct source as early as possible somewhat of the cause of that change which I feel constrained to make and that is of pursuing in connection with my future work in Christian Science a purely independent course of action. The following letter will furnish you with the reason for my change of conduct."

Mr. Adams then read your letter to the Association, and his reply which as you know was apparently veryAs Written:vry Christian(?) After reading both he concludes as follows:

The course proposed is not the result of feeling, but a strong conviction of duty, and whether it will bring censure As Written: sensure or approval I know not, but I do that no one will be responsible for it but myself, not even Mrs Eddy, against whom I have not the least feeling contrary to fervent Christian love, but a profounder gratitude than ever, for while her letter at the time caused me a grief that I could not express, it has resulted in effecting for me a from the control of personality which I would not part with for the wealth of this mighty city

In taking this independent course of action, I want it distinctly understood by all my friends that I have no personal quarrel with Miss Brown, for aughtAs Written:ought that I know the best of understanding exists between us and as far as I am concerned will continue to do so, but at the end of this month my partnership with her will cease, not however a readiness As Written: rediness to cooperateAs Written:co-operate with her (should she desire it) or anyoneAs Written:any one else to promote the cause of Christian science. I have rented rooms in this building and there I wish to be known henceforth, not as a representative or leader of any school, but simply a teacher and practitioner of Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S. free from the control of personality, and recognizing no one as my master but God, Goodness, Life Truth & Love–

I propose to stand alone as regards methods of work, being guided in all future action by my own perception of truth and duty, yet willing to receive suggestions As Written: suggesttions from anyoneAs Written:any one and ready to cooperate with all in promoting the cause of God (which I understand Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S. to be) but in a way which involves no dictation or control from me or anyoneAs Written:any one else. Each one as the Apostle says; must be fully persuaded in his own mindRom 14:5 One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. , and again as many as are led by the spirit of God they are the sons of GodRom 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. .

I do not propose to be a leader, organize any church or society or get up any factions, but simply to be known as the friend of all the enemy of error of every sort, yet with charity for all and malice for none. It is now my intention to settle in Chicago, teach and practice the truth Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S. to the best of my ability and understanding. I shall have no stipulated terms for tuition or practice but in every case expect all who desire my instruction and help to acknowledge the service according to their ability.

In no instance will a primary class exceed ten persons as my past experience in teaching has proved to me that I cannot do justice to more than that number. My textbookAs Written:text book ('till I can get a better one) will be "Science and Health."Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy

I propose to continue the weekly services here as usual. Inquiry meeting for all on Wed– from two to five o'clock, Bible class Sat. at half past two, Public worship every Sunday at eleven a. m.

It is hoped that you will not give any more publicity to this statement than what is necessary and take as little notice of the change as possible, expect to oil with gentleness and love the least manifestation of friction. We are all agreed that if Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S. cannot stand without the support of personality it must fall, but our opinion is that it cannot fall for it certainly is God's truth, and is not the property of any one person or school or class of individuals, but is the indestructibleAs Written:indestructable inheritanceAs Written:inheritence of all God's children.

Your genuine brother in truth et ceteraAs Written:&c Then came his signature.

This is a fearful blow to me but a much greater one to the cause for there is so much involved. Could you not have written him less severely? Oh; dear I feel like laying down the arms I have fought with so long, this blow seems more than I can bear– to think he would do such a thing in my Asso– of my students during my absence et ceteraAs Written:&c I don't know just what course to pursue with him, but I want to do right– It seems to me you must expel As Written: expell him from your Association, and then he must go from mine Well I don't know what am writing. Do tell me what to do—

YoursAs Written:Yrs in Truth
E. Brown.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Teacher,

I arrived home last evening to find that Mr. Adams had cut loose from us. He was vry Corrected: very angry and hot about your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. concerning the news paperCorrected:newspaper article &cExpanded:et cetera– and has read your letter and his replyEditorial Note: See 216.36.011. to a great many people here and last Thursday the Association [?] Unclear or illegible  met, and as I was not present he had it all his own way – no doubt did it on purpose so to try to get them all on his side before my return. Oh; it is so hard aftr Corrected: after all my hard work to see him tear it down. But the following will explain its selfCorrected:itself He addressed the C. S. A. as follows:

"Beloved Fellow Workers in the Cause of Christian Science,

Since our last meeting a circumstance has occurred producing in me a complete moral change in me revolution, and as its results may to some extent modify my relations with you, I think it is due to you that you should know from a direct source as early as possible somewhat of the cause of that change which I feel constrained to make and that is of pursuing in connection with my future work in Christian Science a purely independent course of action. The following letter will furnish you with the reason for my change of conduct."

Mr. Adams then read your letter to the Association, and his reply which as you know was apparently vryCorrected:very cChristian(?) After reading both he concludes as follows:

The course proposed is not the result of feeling, but a strong conviction of duty, and whether it will bring sensure Corrected: censure or approval I know not, but I do that no one will be responsible for it but myself, not even Mrs Eddy, against whom I have not the least feeling contrary to fervent Christian love, but a profounder gratitude than ever, for while her letter at the time caused me a grief that I could not express, it has resulted in effecting for me a from the control of personality which I would not part with for the wealth of this mighty city

In taking this independent course of action, I want it distinctly understood by all my friends that I have no personal quarrel with Miss Brown, for that oughtCorrected:aught that I know the best of understanding exists between us and as far as I am concerned will continue to [?] Unclear or illegible  do so, but at the end of this month my partnership with her will s cease, not however a rediness Corrected: readiness to co-operateCorrected:cooperate with her (should she desire it) or any oneCorrected:anyone else to promote the cause of Christian science. I have rented rooms in this building and there I wish to be known henceforth, not as a representative or leader of any school, but simply a teacher and practitioner of C. S.Expanded:Christian Science free from the control of personality, and recognizing no one as my master but God, Goodness, Life Truth & Love–

I propose to stand alone as reg regards methods of work, being guided in all future action by my own perception of truth and duty, yet willing to receive suggesttions Corrected: suggestions from any oneCorrected:anyone and not ready ready to cooperate with all in promoting the cause of God (which I understand C. S.Expanded:Christian Science to [?] Unclear or illegible  be) but in a way which involves no dictation or control from me or any oneCorrected:anyone else. Each one as the Apostle says; must be fully persuaded in his own mindRom 14:5 One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. , and again as many as are led by the spirit of God they are the sons of GodRom 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. .

I do not propose to be a leader, organize any church or society or get up any factions, but simply to be known as the friend of all the enemy of none error of every sort, yet with charity for all and malice for none. It is now my intention to settle in Chicago, teach and practice the truth C. S.Expanded:Christian Science to the best of my ability and understanding. I shall have no stipulated sterms for tuition or practice but in every case expect all who desire my instruction and help to acknowledge the service according to their ability.

In no instance will a primary class exceed ten persons as my past experience in teaching has proved to me that I cannot do justice to more than that number. My text bookCorrected:textbook ('till I can get a better one) will be "sScience and Health."Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy

I propose to continue the weekly services here as usual. Inquiry meeting for all on Wed– from two to five o'clock, Bible class Sat. at half past two, Public service worship every Sunday at eleven a. m.

It is hoped that you will not give this any more publicity to this statement than what is necessary and take as little notice of the change as possible, expect to oil with gentleness and love the least manifestation of friction. We are all agreed that if C. S.Expanded:Christian Science cannot stand without the support of personality it must fall, but our opinion is that it cannot fall for it certainly is God's truth, and is not the property of any one person or school or class of individuals, but is the indestructableCorrected:indestructible inheritenceCorrected:inheritance of all God's children.

Your genuine brother in truth &cExpanded:et cetera Then came his signature.

This is a fearful blow to me but a much greater one to the cause for there is so much involved. Could you not have written him less severely? Oh; dear I feel like laying down the arms I have fought with so long, this blow seems more than I can bear– to think he would do such a thing in my Asso– of my students during my absence &cExpanded:et cetera I don't know just what course to pursue with him, but I want to do right– It seems to me you must expell Corrected: expel him from your Association, and then he must go from mine Well I don't know what am writing. Do tell me what to do—

YrsExpanded:Yours in Truth
E. Brown.
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This letter is not extant. See 216.36.011. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy