Accession: 163A.27.047
Editorial Title: Ellen Brown Linscott to Mary Baker Eddy, November 16, 1886
Author: Ellen Brown Linscott 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Unknown 
Date: November 16, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Ellen Brown Linscott on unlined paper from Chicago, Illinois.
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Archival Note: This letter includes a notation in unknown handwriting.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:#unknownEllen Brown Linscott
My dear Teacher,

Just a line tonight, I promised to let you know anything As Written: any thing that is going on, and now have to tell you that the Plunkett faction are making great efforts to get Mr. Adams to recognize them and to establish friendly As Written: friendy intercourse with him. They As Written: Thy ignore me, they know they must, but nevertheless they As Written: thy insult me by sending people to call upon Mr. A- and this morning Mr. Plunkett himself As Written: hinself came in here and called to see him and pressed As Written: pessed him hard As Written: had to return the call, Mrs. Plunkett sent Mr. A, word the other As Written: othr day that she would like to form his acquaintance

I must say I am bitterly disappointed As Written: disapponted at the little and dignity As Written: dignaty Mr, A uses in dealing with these people – he does not seem As Written: seen to have a particle of wisdom or discernment. Because they talk well, appear well- he does not seem As Written: seen to see motives & I fear he thinks m uncharitableAs Written:uncharibable, when I say to himAs Written:hin, These people are Mrs, Eddy's enemies and are our enemies too, the sooner you recognize this fact, the better As Written: beter for you and the cause w represent, Mr, Plunkett actually As Written: actualy had the impudence As Written: impudnce to propose to Mr. A- this As Written: thi morning that we harmonize, Mr A. came in and told me, I said there can never be anything As Written: any thing of the kind, if they As Written: thy want to do this let them apply As Written: appy to Mrs, Eddy at headquartersAs Written:head quarters– this is not the place, We are her followers – her enemies are ours - our interests are identical - and I shall look As Written: took upon this call as an intrusion, and I said a great deal more, Mr Adams would be the last person to have anything As Written: any thing to do in this direction if he knew their true character – but being so simple and good himself he thinks anyone As Written: any one is what they As Written: thy seem to be. I can understand now what you meant As Written: ment when you told me about his "pranks" As Written: "panks" as you called them, he really As Written: realy has no more dignity As Written: dignaty where As Written: wher he ought to have it, nor discernment than As Written: that a child. It is such a pity, with his scholarly attainments, and genuine goodness - he could be such a power but for this, But he is thoroughly As Written: thoroughy loyal to you and will do whatever As Written: what evr you ask him so if you will just write him just the attitude he ought to take toward these people he will do it I think. The truth is they As Written: thy fear our "Institute" and they As Written: thy know they cannot stop my mouth, so they As Written: thy annoy me in any way As Written: wy they As Written: thy can. Oh! if they As Written: thy were not next door, just to think there is only an iron rail between As Written: betwen our steps and Mr A, goes in and out so much he is liable to meet them anytime As Written: any time and you know what check they have, and no principle. I told you I would not cry out only when I could not help it, but do impress Mr. A with the fact that there must not be even As Written: evn the appearance As Written: appearence of our being on friendly As Written: friendy terms with them for that will be an advantage they As Written: thy wish to gain for a urely selfish purpose. I know what I am talking As Written: taking about, and have studied and watched their career here, and know they cannot stand, and all we have to do is to stand firm and maintain our As Written: or position faithfully As Written: faithfuly and we will triumphAs Written:tryumph, If Mr, A- would only not meet these "wolves in sheeps clothing"Matt 7:15 ¶Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. as if they were his long-lost As Written: long lost brothers and sisters- this is a pretty sentiment, but it is not practical As Written: pactacal with these wretches, and indeed with few. Mortal mind in all its subtleties is something he has yet to learn. Forgive me for troubling you but I felt you o ught to know, Please do not let him know I wrote you about this, I do not want to hurt his feelings but the CauseEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. must be upheld at all hazzards As Written: hassards

- Pardon haste and believe me
Your As Written: Yor loving and faithful student
E. Brown.
2212 Michigan ave–
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:#unknownEllen Brown Linscott
My dear Teacher,

Just a line tonight, I promised to let you know any thing Corrected: anything that is going on, and now have to tell you that the Plunkett faction are making great efforts to get Mr. Adams to recognize them and to establish friendy Corrected: friendly intercourse with him. Thy Corrected: They ingnore me, they know they must, but nevertheless thy Corrected: they insult me by sending people to call upon Mr. A- and this morning Mr. Plunkett hinself Corrected: himself came in here and called to see him and pessed Corrected: pressed him had Corrected: hard to return the call, Mrs. Plunkett sent Mr. A, word the othr Corrected: other day that she would like to form his acquaintance

I must say I am bitterly disapponted Corrected: disappointed at the little and dignaty Corrected: dignity Mr, A uses in dealing with these people – he does not seen Corrected: seem to have a particle of wisdom or discernment. Because they talk well, appear well- he does not seen Corrected: seem to see motives & I fear he thinks m [?] Unclear or illegible  uncharibableCorrected:uncharitable, when I say to hinCorrected:him, These people are Mrs, Eddy's enemies and are our enemies too, the sooner you recognize this fact, the beter Corrected: better for you and the cause w [?] Unclear or illegible  represent, Mr, Plunkett actualy Corrected: actually had the impudnce Corrected: impudence to propose to Mr. A- thi Corrected: this morning that we harmonize, Mr A. came in and told me, I said there can nevrver be any thing Corrected: anything of the kind, if thy Corrected: they want to do this let them appy Corrected: apply to Mrs, Eddy at head quartersCorrected:headquarters– this is not the place, We are her followers – her enemies are ours - our interests are identical - and I shall took Corrected: look upon this call as an intrusion, and I said a great deal more, Mr Adams would be the last person to have any thing Corrected: anything to do in this direction if he knew their true character – but being so simple and good himself he thinks any one Corrected: anyone is what thy Corrected: they seem to be. I can understand now what you ment Corrected: meant when you told me about his "panks" Corrected: "pranks" as you called them, he realy Corrected: really has no more dignaty Corrected: dignity wher Corrected: where he ought to have it, nor discernment that Corrected: than a child. It is such a pity, with his schorlarly attainments, and genuine goodness - he could be such a power but for thsis, But he is thoroughy Corrected: thoroughly loyal to you and will do what evr Corrected: whatever you ask him so if you will just write him just the attitude he ought to take toward these people he will do doAs Written:do it I think. The truth is thy Corrected: they fear ou [?] Unclear or illegible  r "Institute" and thy Corrected: they know they cannot stop my mouth, so thy Corrected: they annoy me in any wy Corrected: way thy Corrected: they can. Oh! if thy Corrected: they were not next door, just to think there is only an iron rail betwen Corrected: between our steps and Mr A, goes in and out so much he is liable to meet them any time Corrected: anytime and you know wh [?] Unclear or illegible at check they have, and no principle. I told you I would not cry out only when I could not help it, but do impress Mr. A with the fact that there must not be evn Corrected: even the appearence Corrected: appearance of our being on friendy Corrected: friendly terms with them for that will be an advantage thy Corrected: they wish to gain for a [?] Unclear or illegible  urely selfish purpose. I know what I am taking Corrected: talking about, and have studied and watched their career here, and know they cannot stand, and all we have to do is to stand firm and maintain or Corrected: our position faithfuly Corrected: faithfully and we will tryumphCorrected:triumph, If Mr, A- would only not meet these "wolves in sheeps clothing"Matt 7:15 ¶Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. as if they were hsis long lost Corrected: long-lost brothers and sisters- this is a pretty sentiment, but it is not pactacal Corrected: practical with these wretches, and indeed with few. Mortal mind in all its subtleties is something he has yet to learn. Forgive me for troubling you but I felt you or ught to know, Please do not let him know I wrote you about this, I do not want to hurt his feelings but the CauseEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. must be upheld at all hassards Corrected: hazzards

- Pardon haste and believe me
Yor Corrected: Your loving and faithful student
E. Brown.
2212 Michigan ave–
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