I thought I'd see you a few minutes after the meeting, but you were called away - So I will now thank you for your beautiful treatment you gave me, the one you wrote me about, It was very sweet of you to do it, and did me great good. This is casting your "bread upon the waters,"Eccl 11:1 Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days. It will return to you little sister, tenfoldAs Written:ten fold, whosoever giveth to one of these little ones, even a cup - of cold waterMatt 10:42 And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward. et ceteraAs Written:& c)
Now to business, Above all things keep mum, Say nothing at present, so as not to draw out any unnecessary malice, but things begin to look serious, I have learned some things from other sources than the one we have been talking about, and I am filled with doubt and fear, lest a certain man we know is really doing everythingAs Written:every thing he can to break us up and undermine us, while all the time professing loyalty, and friendship, I think he has been bribed to do this, so keep away, and warn your brother,
I am praying for light and wisdom to come to me, so as to know just what will be pleasing in the sight of God for me to do, I know how little it takes to tip the beam in either the right or wrong direction,
This I do know that a treatment in Truth, and scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science injures no one, and his treatments have had a bad effect on the students. We will be charitable, and watch and pray, but avoid for the present - He is poor, proud, and ambitious,
If he did not feel guilty, why should he beg of you not to let him make you lose your respect for him,? This looks bad, She is not in a condition it seems to me to settle anywhereAs Written:any where at present, Ask Mrs. Noyes advice about her, you know the people and can tell pretty near what would please but ask Mrs Noyes - she has good judgment As Written: judgement and will tell you just what she thinks, All efforts to help Miss. Beecher so far, had been failures —
May God speed you up intoAs Written:in to the highest realizations of Life, Truth, and Love — "Perfect love casteth out fear"I John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. —
Thanks again —