Your sweet letterEditorial Note: See L12982. received last evening, many thanks for replying so promptly. You say it "rolled back some of the clouds that constantly encompass you," I fain would roll back my cloud if I could, and bear your burdenGal 6:2 Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. if I might, But since I cannot do either, I am at least not intentionally on anythingAs Written:any thing that will make the clouds appear darker, or the burden heavier.
I think the time has come to me when I would much rather have my faults, and shortcomingsAs Written:short comings pointed out, than my virtues. But to be charged with doing things I never did do and never could do, is what crushes me, and is what I'm tired of, and sometimes think I've got about to the end of my enduranceAs Written:indurance, You would not wonder if you knew all that I have overlooked from persons in our own ranks, I have never told you because I do not wish to pain you or trouble you with any of my trials,
I enjoy living with Mrs. Larminie very much, expect to be with her all winter, have an office in the city. We are both very busy working in the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science., and for the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science., A great portion of our evenings are spent studying, and reading Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and the Bible. How lovely it would be if you could only come and spend a few days with us, if no more,, but I fear you never will; we know your immortal fidelity to your solemn trust, and the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. you love so well, May we ever follow your noble, self sacrificing example, Favor us with a dear letter when you can, for they are my precious to us. Mrs. Larminie sends much love, and thanks for: her letter from youEditorial Note: See L04475..