I forgot in each of my last noteEditorial Note: See 163A.27.029 to say that I could not reply definitely, in regard to the Historical Sketch, till after our next C. S. A.Editorial Note: The Christian Scientist Association of Chicago was a branch of the C.S.A. in Boston, Massachusetts. Meeting.
My idea was to have the C.S.A.Editorial Note: The Christian Scientist Association of Chicago was a branch of the C.S.A. in Boston, Massachusetts. members all take hold and pay for 4 or 5, thousand, and I think after all I have done this last year for them and for the cause they ought to, There are some in the society who can afford it much better As Written: bettr than I can, so far as money is concernedAs Written:conserened, but I'll have to wait and see.
I hope you have receivedAs Written:rec'd my certificate, and the newspaperAs Written:news paper articleEditorial Note: The July 18 issue of the Chicago Tribune included an article titled “Mind Curing” with some details about the history and practice of Christian Science, and the Chicago Christian Scientist Association. The article was by “Reliable.” It is possible that this is Brown’s article.. It will do a great deal of good. It has been widely read. I got $5,00Editorial Note: $5.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $132.97 in 2020. worth of the papers to distributeAs Written:distribut, and do you know there was quite a rush for them, so much so that they ran out of them at the office, thoughAs Written:tho’ they provided extra copies beforehandAs Written:before hand, I saw the editor, and he seemed quite pleased about it. I feel well pleased on the result if my first attempt, at writing for the press but more especially over the good it will do, We are having very hot weather, here, How is it with you?
Are you going to take a vacation? And are you coming here? Col- L- has never As Written: nevr come here.