Accession: 163A.27.029
Editorial Title: Ellen Brown Linscott to Mary Baker Eddy, July 9, 1885
Author: Ellen Brown Linscott 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: July 9, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Ellen Brown Linscott on printed stationery from Chicago, Illinois.
Archival Note: This letter includes a notation in the handwriting of Mary Baker Eddy.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dearest Teacher,

Your letterAs Written:lettr [*]Editorial Note: See L10999 just received, and I hasten As Written: hastn to reply, and urge you to come here for your vacation. It would be too lovely for anythingAs Written:any thing to have you here for a while. Mrs. Larmenie and I were talking As Written: taking of it only last Sunday. she said she would have you come to her house, she has a lovely home in Hyde ParkEditorial Note: Hyde Park is a neighborhood and community area on the South Side of Chicago, Illinois., near the Lake. I was intending to go East next month, but I’ll wait if you will come, and go back with you, We will do anythingAs Written:any thing to make you have a nice restful time.

I had not sent my certificateEditorial Note: Eddy had sent certificates to her students, but she found that she wanted to make an addition to them so she asked that the ones sent originally be returned., because I thought I'd take it, when I went to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts but I will send it before if you wish. I shall get all the names from the Sec. of the C. S. A. and send you, for I suppose you want their names in full and I don't happen to know all of their names.

We are growing, next month six new members will be taken in, In Sept, still more will be admitted. An Association will be a power for good yet, one that will be felt. in fact people are finding it out already, and students As Written: student who never As Written: nevr have cared to join, are coming around, I don’t think it would be possible to put one in a more trying position than I’ve been As Written: ben in the C. S. A.Editorial Note: The Christian Scientist Association of Chicago was a branch of the C.S.A. in Boston, Massachusetts. If I could have one made up entirely of my own students it would be easy to lead them for they all look up to me, but in this there are your students, Dr ShermansEditorial Note: Bradford Sherman, Martha E. Sherman, and Roger Sherman, Mrs Noyes, and so many different As Written: diferent elements it is perplexing sometime to know how to manage, But I am not finding fault, we are getting on nicely, but if all would do what a few are doing, both here and in Boston, how different everythingAs Written:every thing would be. Since I've begun to teach I realize more fully your awful responsibility, and trying position, I've taught six, and six lovely minds too. I have great hopes for them, because they handle, and understand this malicious element so well.

They all send love to you. How I hate to think you have to work so hard, and continuously, but then we all have our tasks appointed us, and there is nothing gained by procrastination.

I feel that I must work every minute, there is so much to do, so many to help, and so little time to do it all in.

Your loving Student
Ellen Brown.

P.S. What will you let me have 5000, Historical Sketch for, for distribution in Chicago. The Defence of C. S. has already done much good.

Ellen -

Handshift:Mary Baker EddyAnswerAs Written:Ans.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dearest Teacher,

Your lettrCorrected:letter [*]Editorial Note: See L10999 just received, and I hastn Corrected: hasten to reply, and urge you to come here for your vacation. It would be too lovely for any thingCorrected:anything to have you here for a while. Mrs. Larmenie and I were taking Corrected: talking of it only last Sunday. she said she would have you come to her house, she has a lovely home in Hyde ParkEditorial Note: Hyde Park is a neighborhood and community area on the South Side of Chicago, Illinois., near the Lake. I was intending to go East next month, but I’ll wait if you will come, and go back with you, We will do any thingCorrected:anything to make you have a nice restful time.

I had not sent my certificateEditorial Note: Eddy had sent certificates to her students, but she found that she wanted to make an addition to them so she asked that the ones sent originally be returned., because I thought I'd take it, when I went to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts but I will send it before if you wish. I shall get all the names from the C Sec. of the C. S. A. and send you, for I suppose you want their names in full and I don't happen to know all of their names.

We are growing, next month six new members will be taken in, In Sept, still more will be admitted. An Association will be a power for good yet, one that will be felt. in fact people are finding it out already, and student Corrected: students who nevr Corrected: never have cared to join, are coming around, I don’t think it would be possible to put one in a more trying position than I’ve ben Corrected: been in inAs Written:in the C. S. A.Editorial Note: The Christian Scientist Association of Chicago was a branch of the C.S.A. in Boston, Massachusetts. If I could have one made up entirely of my own students it would be easy to lead them for they all look up to me, but in this there are your students, Dr ShermansEditorial Note: Bradford Sherman, Martha E. Sherman, and Roger Sherman, Mrs Noyes, and so many diferent Corrected: different elements it is perplexing sometime to know how to manage, But I am not finding fault, we are getting on nicely, but if all would do what a few are doing, both here and in Boston, how different every thingCorrected:everything would be. Since I've begun to teach I realize more fully your awful responsibility, and trying position, I've taught six, and six lovely minds too. I have great hopes for them, because they handle, and understand this malicious element so well.

They all send love to you. How I hate to think you have to work so hard, and continuously, but then we all have our tasks appointed us, and there is nothing gained by procrastination.

I feel that I must work every minute, there is so much to do, so many to help, and so little time to do it all in.

Your loving Student
Ellen Brown.

P.S. What will you let me have 5000, Historical Sketch for, for distribution in Chicago. The Defence of C. S. has already done much good.

Ellen -

Handshift:Mary Baker EddyAns.Expanded:Answer
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See L10999 Hyde Park is a neighborhood and community area on the South Side of Chicago, Illinois. Eddy had sent certificates to her students, but she found that she wanted to make an addition to them so she asked that the ones sent originally be returned. Boston, Massachusetts The Christian Scientist Association of Chicago was a branch of the C.S.A. in Boston, Massachusetts. Bradford Sherman, Martha E. Sherman, and Roger Sherman