Your noteEditorial Note: This note is not extant. receivedAs Written:rec’d this P.M. Thank you for Bartol’s sermon I think it a fine document. I sent about ten days ago to Dr Buswell for a dozen of things but had not yet receivedAs Written:rec’d them. I wonder why he don’t send them I shall send for more. I mean to give one to each of my patients. Am glad to hear you are well, and that the good causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. is prospering. It is a good causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science., a glorious one, I love it beyond everythingAs Written:every thing In fact it is all there is, we can say with the discipleEditorial Note: Simon Peter “ Lord where else can we goJohn 6:66 ¶From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him. John 6:67 Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away? John 6:68 Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life. John 6:69 And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God. ” Because I love it I can’t endureAs Written:indure to see some of the people in it that are, or rather pretend they are, my soul has been harrowed up belief by some things I have heard, There are some Spiritualists on the West Side (Swartz)Editorial Note: A. J. Swarts and Kate (Katie) Swarts I think is the name who are going right ahead doing all they can to plant it on the basis of Spiritualism. They give lectures every Wednesday but Subject, “The divine science of healing,” They are teaching, or pretend to teach this lovely scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, and worse they all say openly that they are in correspondence As Written: corespendence with you and that you endorse and approve of everythingAs Written:every thing they do. Now I have taken it upon me to contradict the latterAs Written:later fact, I absolutely refuse to believe any such thing except from yourselfAs Written:your self. I know you don’t take spiritualism any better than I do. You can imagine my indignation today when a prominent lady one of my patients, the wife of a minister said to me, “I hear there is a school for the instruction of your method of healing opened here by some one appointed by Mrs. Eddy” She replied to these people I have just been telling you of. You ought to hear me talk thus about five minutes, I settled the S chool (?)Editorial Note: School question as far as she was concerned As Written: conserened I tell you, Mrs Coursen says she tried your method a week and could do nothing, she took up Osgoods again and could heal et ceteraAs Written:&c. Now you ask how the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. is prospering here
As far as my success goes in healing I have no fault to find, but to one who is so interested in it as I am as a cause, it makes my heart sick to see so much of the counterfeit articles as I see here but I suppose that is a part of the cross. There is hardly a day that I didn’t have to contradict most lie I should like to meet Mrs. Underwood you write of. Do you know her address. Please send it if you do. Hope you will have a pleasant summer. I shall see you when I go East. I get so homesick sometimes.
⇉ Handshift:Calvin A. FryeSermons sent C.A.F.