Dec. 28– 1887As Written:87
I commence with "Merry Christmas", and a "Happy New Year". I have been working like a beaver ever since I came back from Boston treating and teaching. I finished my class last Thursday evening, and thought then I could write immediately. But then came company from the west to spend Christmas, so it looks just a little, to one who did not know me well, as though I had not appreciated your lovely instruction in the Obstetric Class, and was just a little indifferent to you. I don't As Written: dont know how the rest of class felt individually but I never suffered more in conceiving the material idea, than the spiritual one. And the funny thing about it was, the belief for the two first days of the class was identical, with the old belief of over sixteen years ago. I have not seen Mrs Stetson since I returned two weeks ago. They have had one meeting relative to the church organization, but it was utterly impossible for me to attend. Dr Sawyer has been industriously looking up the law, and tomorrow evening, there is to be a grand rally, with I hope some decisive results. Now that it comes to the point Mrs Stetson seems, from all that I can hear, to rather shrink from the ordeal of steadily preaching here. I presume she will see you this week, and tell you more than I know. It was strange the mistake I made about paying for my obstetric course. I did not look up the price- simply thought because the Normal was $200.00Editorial Note: $200.00 in 1887 is the equivalent of $6,161.18 in 2022. this one was. I was very glad to discover from the Journal my mistake, as my expenses are enormous. I wrote Mr Frey about it, but have not heard from him. Every time I have thought of you in your new home, I have been glad.