As I only have a few minutes, and this is a sort of business letter I will go to the point at once. When I came here and found how little our blessed ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science was known, and how my patients seemed to think in coming to it for relief, they were doing something they were ashamed to make known, I resolved by God's help to take such means as at no distant day would reverse the matter and these ladies of wealth and fashion, feel that they were honored by my consenting to treat them I made up my mind that the best way to accomplish that would be to interest and enthuse some of the leading intellectual ladies of the city and through them get an opportunity to talk of our Science to Sorosis. Two years ago I would have rushed into the fray, relying entirely upon my own strength, and my own power of attracting people, and would probably disgusted everyoneAs Written:every one with whom I came in contact. But I had learned better- I went to God. with the whole matter. I said, "I think such and such a thing would spread Thy truth- I think if I could make certain acquaintances, it would help our causeEditorial Note: Christian Science, but my will is Thy will- I stand and wait."! When I had that little talk with my dear FatherEditorial Note: God, I had in mind two ladies- Mrs Croly (Jennie June) who has been President of Sorosis for several years, and Madame Demorest who is one of the most enthusiastic workers in any cause she undertakes in the city, and is also a leading member of Sorosis. Now dear, see the result of being willing to have God manage it. Two weeks ago "Jennie June" sent me word, that she had heard so much of me, that she was anxious to make my acquaintance. Last Tuesday evening she came and spent the evening with me. The following Thursday evening she met me in a private parlor of the Murray Hill Hotel, where I was invited to talk on Science, and Sunday evening invited me to spend with her in her own home. She wants to take treatment of me, and also study with me early in the fall. She is anxious to know enough of Christian Science to write about it. Now after this long preliminary; I come to the point. Mrs Croly wants very much to meet you and asked me to go to Boston by boat some Saturday night and come back Sunday night. How soon do you leave BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts, and could you any Sunday before you go have us to dinner? Don't As Written: Dont think I am presuming– of course I am only thinking of the good of our cause. Will you preach again this summer?- I am anxious she should hear you.
My business still keeps up, notwithstanding the lateness of the season. Think who had the presumption to call. on me yesterday! Mrs Plunketts sister who was with her in Boston last fall. I was out and she asked my daughter if my business was good and if I was successful. Please ask Mr Frye to send me a dozen copies Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and 1 dozen Historical Sketch et ceteraAs Written:&c. I hope I have not wearied you my more than friend