I thank you very much for coming to CEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois
Your presence in C M hallEditorial Note: Probably Central Music Hall . Mary Baker Eddy spoke in this venue when she traveled to Chicago in June 1888. verified my words to many.
I went to Chautauqua Lake the following week on the invitation of a Rev (who had studied with Mrs Mc CoyEditorial Note: Probably Mabel L. McCoy. in New YorkAs Written:N Y last summer) to treat his wife. He offered his efforts and influence in case I was successful to get me a class
To my entire satisfaction I was successful with wife and the Mother, and an acknowledgement had been made by all even the servants, but in course of conversation some answer of mine, enraged him so that he arose from the dinner table Sunday noon and threatened to arrest me My astonishment was so great I asked what for? he replied, "Malpractice." I was a guest in his house, and no acquaintances in town, and it took me off my feet i.e. As Written: i e understanding. My own family not sympathizing with me I concluded to go home, but I felt like stepping outside his house and giving him battle.
He is a man who is 'stumping' the state of New YorkAs Written:N Y for Prohibition
I must say that my thoughts were most directed to him for the condition of the wife was from infringement of individual government, and the work he was doing was a continuation of it. A duplicate case was his brother's As Written: brothers wife here which ended As Written: endid in her passing away,
But Mrs Eddy I am not satisfied with my demonstrations My Students do very good work Sometimes As Written: Some times I heal with a spoken word, but to sit down to argument As Written: arguement I seem weak. if I talk to mankind, much stronger thought seems to flow
How I wish I had heard you in the Primary' instead of the Normal, I have no lack of imparting what I know,
I came As Written: cane home from OshkoshEditorial Note: Oshkosh, Wisconsin in the Spring to hold my family in Truth, The work done was marvelous
My husband in debt for the winter's As Written: winters expenses, his business stopped on account of Sugar Trusts, he in despair As Written: dispair that God did not answer his prayers
I used my money for necessities gave landlord mortgage on my furniture for arrearages got Mr Noyes to help me and commenced breaking laws No one applied for our house so landlordAs Written:ll accepted my offer; the Trust or Mr Thomas of B made up my husband's As Written: husband losses, a firm in New YorkAs Written:N Y fitted up his office beautifully for a small privilege As Written: privaledge &c. Now my husband is very respectful to Christian ScienceAs Written:C S and me, but I have had a dark time from finding rest in something apart from Principle. Thanks to a kind ruler light has arisenAs Written:arissen, and now when shall I come [*]Archival Note: The following text was later added to the document by the author or another annotator, disrupting the surrounding thought. ⇉ Handshift:Calvin A. FryeWill discount to you [*]Archival Note: End floating text. ⇉ Handshift:Adelia P. Hansonto you for the Primary? many As Written: Manny are coming next month– Call me when you think it for my best good. I have nothing else to do, nor can I do anything As Written: any thing else Pardon me for being so lengthy
3315 Calumet Av
Am I a member of your association? if so what about dues?
Chicago Aug 2nd /1888As Written:88