Accession: 099.21.007
Editorial Title: Lucretia S. Brown to Mary Baker Eddy, September 25, 1880
Author: Lucretia S. Brown 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: September 25, 1880
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Lucretia S. Brown on lined paper from Ipswich, Massachusetts.
Editorial Note: Brown discusses the prospect of her sister taking class instruction in Christian Science from Mary Baker Eddy. Eddy had at one point offered to teach Brown's sister for $25.00 (the equivalent of $619.40 in 2015), and the sister now feels that she could afford to pay that amount. Eddy had apparently also offered to teach the sister free of charge, but the sister feels she should at least pay something. Brown asks Eddy to please let her know if she is organizing a class and is willing to take her sister, so that they can make arrangements. Brown also mentions a Mrs. Martyn and asks if Eddy has had an opportunity to call on her. She tells Eddy that she recently saw Martyn for a few minutes and that she was pained to see the change that has come over her. Brown doesn't think Martyn is at present ready to study with Eddy, although she feels Mr. Martyn is. Mr. Martyn had apparently hoped that he and his wife could both be in one of Eddy's classes. They would be willing to pay Eddy $200 (the equivalent of $4955.23 in 2015). (There is no record of anyone named Martyn taking a class from Eddy.) Brown ends the letter by saying she will be obliged to go to Boston in two weeks and asks Eddy to let her know at what time the Church of Christ (Scientist) will be holding its Sunday service.
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